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Crustal Deformation and Fault Mechanics

    Crustal Deformation and Fault Mechanics





Current Research

We have been developing physics based numberical simulations of the earthquake cycle, including slow slip events.  Paul Segall and Andrew Bradley are working on this.  Learn More - contains a movie!

When volcanic dikes propagate, they create deformations recorded by GPS data and earthquake swarms.  Andrea Llenos has been working on physical model based inversions that combine these two data types.  Learn more.

The 2009 Cascadia Episodic Tremor and Slip event provided an excellent opportunity to study the relationship between slow slip and tremor in subduction zones.  Noel Bartlow inverted GPS data to image the migration of slip during this event.  Learn more - contains a movie!
The 2004-08 eruption of Mount St. Helens began with little warning.  Kyle Anderson is studying this eruption.  Learn more.
We have been exploring the possibility that dilatant strengthening may provide a reasonable explanation for slow slip events.  Dilatancy is the tendency for the pore space in granular materials to expand during shear. Learn more.
The above projects are only a few that we are working on.  We are currently in the process of updating our research webpage.  In the meantime, you can check out some of our previous research projects below, or contact Paul Segall to learn more.  Our publications page includes some additional research projects currently active in the group.

Previous Research

Seismic Deformation

Geodetic Strain used to improve earthquake forecasts in the San Francisco Bay Region. Learn more.
Co-shocks to Silent Earthquakes
We have identified a sequence of slow slip events (a.k.a. silent earthquakes) beneath the south flank of Kilauea volcano, Hawaii using a network of GPS receivers (Cervelli et al, Nature, 2002; Segall et al, Nature, 2006) Learn more.

Volcanic Deformation

In the summer of 2000,  a sequence of eruptions and accompanying caldera subsidence occurred on Miyake Island, off the Izu Peninsula Japan. Learn more.
We have explored the role of dike induced seismicty as a tool for inverting for dike geometry.  Using modelling, we modeled dike induced seismicity and simulated a joint inversion of geodetic and seismic data.  Learn more.
Long-term and real-time GPS monitoring of deformation on Kilauea volcano, Hawaii (more info).
Subsurface magamtic processes in the Western Galapagos Islands from high-resolution SAR interferometry measurements (more info).
Measuring volcanic deformation using persistent scatterers in SAR interferograms (more info).
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