AppleTalk zones

Last revision July 28, 2004

Table of Contents:
  1. OSI model of network layers
  2. Common network protocols
  3. The campus network
  4. The School network
  5. Supported network hardware
  6. Operational features of ethernet
  7. Types of supported ethernet
  8. Legacy hardware support
  9. Network software protocol suites
  10. AppleTalk Zones
  11. NetBIOS on TCP/IP
  12. Windows network domains

AppleTalk lacks a hierarchial naming system such as the TCP/IP domains, but it has an organizing concept called "zones" that can be configured by the network manager. Computers can "join" the zone that represents their location or affiliation. This simply organizes computers and printers when they are viewed in the Chooser or other network browsing system.

In Earth Sciences, for administrative convenience, there is a set of geographically oriented AppleTalk zones. Each floor or other major section of each building is a separate zone. New devices that use AppleTalk will initially appear in the default zone ES-Ethernet when attached to the network. Note that this zone name is an historical accident, dating back to the years when we had a mixture of LocalTalk and Ethernet networks. All AppleTalk devices and zones are now ethernet based. Computers and printers on the network that use AppleTalk should be configured to join the correct geographic zone.

Current list of Earth Sciences AppleTalk zones:

ES-Ethernet For School or Department wide services only
ES-GeoCorner-1st First floor of Geology Corner (Braun Hall)
ES-GeoCorner-2st Second floor of Geology Corner (Braun Hall)
ES-GeoCorner-3rd Third floor of Geology Corner (Braun Hall)
ES-Green-Concourse ERE concourse in Green
ES-Green-East East half of the Green "tower"
ES-Green-West West half of the Green "tower"
ES-Mitchell-SB Mitchell Sub-basement ("A" level)
ES-Mitchell-B Mitchell Basement ("B" level)
ES-Mitchell-1st Mitchell 1st floor
ES-Mitchell-3rd Mitchell 3rd floor
ES-Mitchell-4th Mitchell 4th floor

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