2. Computer access and use policies

Last revision September 15, 2009

Stanford University and the School of Earth Sciences provide computing resources to further its mission of teaching, learning, and research.

Access to and use of university computer resources is conditional upon compliance with the policies established for those individual resources, compliance with the general university policies on Computer and Network Usage and compliance with copyright laws.

The most important computer usage policy is one that applies to all university resources: commercial or illegal use of these computer facilities is prohibited. Occasional private use will be tolerated, but any use for private financial gain is strictly prohibited.

Don't share your SUNet ID or other university computer accounts with anyone. Your account grants access rights to you alone. Everyone who is authorized to use a specific resource has, or can get, his/her own personal account. Anyone without a personal account is not authorized to use the resource. It's that simple.

Sharing your account is also a security risk because passwords can get spread around beyond the control of the account owner. You can then be held responsible for the actions of others who have gained access to your account.

For these reasons, account sharing is a violation of Stanford's computing and network policies that can lead to disciplinary action. See the Stanford University Computer and Network Usage Policy for more information.

Check for policies related to specific facilities and resources on the computing policies section of this website.

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