New computer user's guide

Last revision September 15, 2009

This guide briefly describes important computing tasks and processes for people new to the Stanford School of Earth Sciences. Follow the links to detailed descriptions.

1. Get your SUNet ID and password

      This is your general network identity that is required for access to most University computers and services, including Earth Sciences servers.

      Choose your SUNet ID name carefully - you will never be able to change it.

2. Review policies for use of Stanford computers and network

      Stanford computing resources are provided to support teaching, learning, and research.

      No user may monopolize resources or use them for his personal financial benefit.

3. Connect your computer to the network

      Connect both Stanford owned and personally owned computers, printers, and other network-capable devices (such as iPhones).

      Registration is required for network access; the process also secures your computer against hackers.

4. Get access to the School's high performance file server

      The School of Earth Sciences File Server,, provides high performance, high capacity, backed up network file shares for personal and group use. Every faculty, student, and staff member can store personal files in a 10 Gigabyte home share. Research groups can get much larger shares for storing data.

5. Configure your Stanford email account

      All regular students, faculty, and staff have a full featured email account on the central servers. Official University correspondence will be sent to this account. Learn how to use it or forward it to an outside email account.

6. Verify that your directory information is correct

      Check your contact information in both the University and the School of Earth Sciences directories to make sure it is correct, and your desired privacy settings are activated.

7. Check School calendars and events on the web to find out what's happening

      The School's pangea web server supports news and general announcements on the front page and a moderated formal events calendar to which anyone can submit items.

8. Get technical help if you need it

    Free help from technical support staff in the School is available for basic computer setup and configuration and for problems using the School servers and network.

9. Learn about computer resources in the School and around the University

      There are servers, computer clusters, "supercomputers", and specialized graphics hardware and software available for your use in the School and elsewhere in the University.

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