Laboratory Facilities:
Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe
lab (SHRIMP-RG) for chemical and isotopic microanalysis of solids
Stanford Noble Gas Lab
: Laser-probe 40Ar/39Ar system and (U-Th)/He lab for dating young volcanic rocks and determining surface exposure ages
Thermal ionization mass spectrometer
for analysis of Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopes
Electron microprobe
with image-analysis system
Scanning and transmission electron microscopes
X-ray diffractometer
for determining identity of unknown solids
Stable Isotope Laboratory
for measurement of O, C, and H isotopes in minerals and biological materials
ICP spectrometer
for analysis of fluids and solids
Clean labs for isotopic analyses
Thin sectioning equipment for preparation of thin sections of ceramics for microscopic analysis
Petrographic microscopes for examination of thin sections of ceramics, soil profiles, rocks, etc.
Sample preparation labs for chemical and isotopic analyses