is the application of concepts and methods of the earth sciences (especially
geology, geomorphology, hydrology, sedimentology, pedology, and exploration
geophysics) to archaeological problems. It provides evidence for the development,
preservation, and destruction of archaeological sites, and for regional-scale
environmental change and the evolution of the physical landscape, including
the impact of human groups. Our group focuses on Archaeometry,
the study of archaeological and art history materials using the techniques
of the physical and biological sciences, including radiometric dating
and the chemical and isotopic analysis of artefacts.
Our projects include:
• determining the geological sources for the prehistoric ceramic
traditions in the Grand Canyon area of northern Arizona, in order to
assess the index-ware-based definitions of the Kayenta Anasazi and Cohonina
archaeological groups and models of their interaction
• evaluating TIMS and SHRIMP isotopic techniques for ceramic
provenance studies
• constraining compositional and morphological attributes of
black paints on Anasazi ceramics using surface analysis by XPS
• petrographic studies of amorphous unfired brick from the Presidio
de San Francisco to determine where material for adobe brick was quarried,
as a way of assessing whether its manufacture was centralized and standardized
as the population within and surrounding the Presidio grew
• developing rapid and low-cost analytical protocols that would
allow archaeologists to analyze many more obsidian samples, to better
assess temporal shifts in source, and to determine whether different
types of obsidian are associated with ceremonial and utilitarian uses,
and with knapping traditions or industries
• studying obsidian from Çatalhöyük, the world-famous
site in central Anatolia that was occupied 7400-5500 cal BC, not only
with regard to its functional capabilities and daily household use,
but also in terms of the community’s role in its long-distance
exchange and its symbolic properties
• using the presence of far-traveled obsidian at the UNESCO World
Heritage site of Chavín de Huántar, which, dating to 1500-500
BC, may represent the locus of the development of authority and social
complexity in the central Andes, and to determine the extent and nature
of Chavín’s contacts with contemporary ceremonial centers,
both in the highlands and on the coast, to determine whether it was
the source, or perhaps simply exemplar, of the first pan-regional ideological
system to develop in Peru
Additional Information:
The Stanford
Archaeology Center offers a graduate program in Archaeology.
Students are admitted to and get their degrees in the participating
departments, which include G&ES, but take part in courses and activities
designed for graduate students with interests in Archaeology. Professor
Mahood is a member of the Executive Committee of the Stanford Archaeology
Center. |

Mixco Viejo Archeological Site, 13 km south of Pachalúm,
Guatemala. |