Support the Project

How can YOU help the project? In order for the SAP trips to be possible, we need your help. We need your donations to the project so that the trips can be adequately subsidized for students.

Additionally, we are always in need of outside expertise if you can offer assistance in that regard, in the form of geologic guides or information for example. Please contact us if you would like more information about how you can interact with us and contribute to the success of these projects.

We also organize the annual SAP Chili Cook-off and Pi Day fundraisers. The Chili Cook-off event provides an opportunity to show off your chili-cooking prowess, taste a wide variety of excellent chilis, and relax in a comfortable environment with other faculty, staff, students, etc. Pi Day switches gears to an amazing pie baking extravaganza, but with the same emphasis on tasty food and relaxing with colleagues. Check out photos from previous events on our media page.