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The Stanford School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences is now part of the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability.
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Sarah Kolarik (BS '16)

Earth Systems Program
June 16, 2016
Sarah backpacking

Sarah is a passionate advocate for social justice. Throughout her time at Stanford she has volunteered as a tutor in Stanford's Habla La Noche program, as well as with the Interfaith Rotating Winter Shelter while back in her hometown of Davis, CA. She has also volunteered with the International Institute of the Bay Area, which supports Spanish-speaking immigrants as they prepare for the U.S. citizenship test. She is currently a member of Stanford's Student and Labor Alliance, a student group that advocates for just working conditions for Stanford's night janitorial staff. Next year Sarah will pursue a master's degree in Environmental Management with a focus on Environmental Justice at the University of Michigan, where she hopes to integrate her Earth Systems knowledge with her love for social justice work.