No IT support in Stanford Earth December 23, 2017 through January 7, 2018

Last revision December 11, 2017

The School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences will be observing the university winter closure from December 23, 2017 through January 7, 2018. In general, there will be no information technology services or support available in Stanford Earth during this period.

No workstation support available via HelpSU.

Our CRC workstation support team will not be working from December 23 through January 7. The University IT Help Desk ( or 725-HELP) will be monitored, but only major problems will be passed to UIT on-call personnel, for example, major network or business application outages. Problems with specific computers will not be addressed until everyone returns to work on January 8. More information about UIT support during the closure can be found at:

There may be a backlog of HelpSU requests during the first week of January, so please be patient if you need help immediately after the closure.

Very limited support for School and department servers, network, and computer clusters.

The School's computer network and servers will be left running to provide services and remote access, but support will be very limited. This includes the School file server cluster ( plus specific lab share names such as; the ERE department file, print, and compute servers; School, department, and research group websites (on the and servers); and the CEES clusters and Tool servers.

Here are links that you can use to report various types of problems with School infrastructure during the break.

Infrastructure type Link to contact form to report problems
School file server and web server School system managers
Network problems Network managers
ERE department servers ERE department system administrator
CEES clusters and Tool servers System Manager Dennis Michael

System and email reports will be monitored occasionally. Severe problems fixable by remote access may be attempted. All other problems will wait until IT staff return to work on January 8.

The Mitchell A65 and GRID lab computers will be available, but after using them, please shut down computers completely to save energy, turn off the lights, and make sure the door is locked! Report problems to the Mitchell A65 lab management or the G.R.I.D. lab management. Problems will be addressed beginning on January 8.

Save energy and protect computers from hackers - turn them off!

Please, when you leave on December 22 (or earlier) for the winter closure, remember to turn off all lights and electrical devices in your offices and labs to save energy. Shutdown your computer, too! The "sleep" mode saves some energy, but a complete shutdown and power off saves much more.

In addition, if your computer is off, it is protected against hacker attacks. Some people have left their computers on while on vacation, only to find that hackers broke in because there was no one there to monitor the system or click "Yes" to install protective software updates as they became available. Also, turning off your computer will protect it from any possible power fluctuations or spikes.

Workstations that are connected to the UIT CrashPlan backup server are backing up new or changed files every hour while you work. There is no need to leave them running during the break for backup purposes.

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