School servers and network will be down on Mon, Dec 22, 2008
Last revision December 18, 2008
School computer network and server outages are planned for Monday, December 22, 2008 (during the university winter closure) to perform needed upgrades.
Rolling outages will interrupt computer network service in different areas of Geology Corner, Mitchell Earth Sciences, and Green Earth Sciences building for several minutes at a time beginning at 9 am. These should be finished by noon. New surge protectors and uninterruptible power supplies are being installed to protect the network switches.
The School's main computer server room must be reconfigured to support more systems. This requires all servers to be down starting at 10 am. Services should be restored by 4 pm. Effects during the outage:
- No access to files on sesfs
- No file transfer connections to sestransfer
- No web service by pangea (all School, department, and research web sites)
- No anonymous ftp service by pangea
- Graduate admissions servers will be offline
- No printing to GRID lab plotter and A65 printers (the queue is controlled by pangea)
- ArcGIS software on all computers on campus will not run (pangea provides the license service)
- A65 and GRID lab computers will not operate properly (no access to sesfs to store user files)