Email service on pangea was terminated on November 1, 2007
Last revision November 8, 2007
As promised in news items and numerous email announcements, email service on pangea was terminated on November 1, 2007. Pangea is forwarding email that it receives, or returning it to sender if there is no forwarding address. Forwarding service will end on June 30, 2008.
On this page:
What has stopped working?
Pangea no longer receives email to be stored locally. It is now operating in "email forwarding mode" only, which will continue until June 30, 2008.
If you specified an email forwarding address for your pangea account, then any email received for your address is being forwarded.
If you did not setup forwarding, all email sent to your address is being returned to sender. There is no "automatic" forwarding to or other accounts. We don't know if you want to forward or where to forward. You have to personally specify that using the Email Management application of the pangea account maintenance web server.
Eudora, Outlook, Mac OS X Mail, Thunderbird, and other PC or Macintosh email client programs can no longer connect to pangea to read or download email. Pangea simply refuses all email client connection requests.
Pangea webmail is gone.
The pine program still runs on pangea, but it can only access old saved email, and only until November 15 (see below).
Email can no longer be stored on pangea's disks. Any saved email on pangea that is not transferred to another email account by November 15 will be deleted.
What is still working?
If you left email in your inbox or saved folders on pangea, you can still get it until November 15, 2007. Then it will be deleted.
You cannot use an email program to get your old email, because pangea will refuse all such connections. You must transfer it to another email account by following these instructions.
You can change the email forwarding address for your pangea account, or set one if you forgot to do that. Check this web page to see where pangea is currently forwarding your email. If it says "forwardneverset", then you forgot to set any forwarding and email to your pangea account is being returned to sender.
To set or change your pangea email forwarding, login to the pangea account maintenance web server and select the Email Management link in the upper left.
You can permanently disable email forwarding from your old pangea address. Pangea will then simply "return to sender" any email received for your old address. Do this when all your correspondents have updated their address books and you are only getting junk mail from your pangea address.
To permanently disable email forwarding from pangea, login to the pangea account maintenance web server and select the Email Management link in the upper left.
If you have left Stanford and your pangea account has been closed, email can still be forwarded from your old pangea account by your request until all forwarding ends on June 30, 2008. Contact the pangea system managers to request such forwarding, change the forwarding address, or terminate such forwarding.
The School of Earth Sciences will continue to offer an indefinite email forwarding service for special functional aliases, such as "a65" or "climatesearch", even after email forwarding ends on pangea on June 30, 2008. These aliases are now handled by the server name "". For example, mail to the Mitchell A65 computer cluster manager should now be addressed to "", which will then be forwarded to the correct person.
Contact the pangea system managers to request such a special alias, change the recipient, or terminate the alias.
Remember that only email service has ended on pangea. Pangea will still provide other services such as file storage, web page hosting, and poster printing. Some people think "pangea is going away". This is not true. Only email service has gone away.
What do I need to do now?
Pangea is now in email forwarding mode, which ends on June 30, 2008. If you used to receive email on pangea, you need to tell your correspondents to use your new address.
Help people find your new email address! Update your entries in the Stanford Directory and the School of Earth Sciences personnel directory.
Update your own address book to stop sending email to other pangea addresses. Check this web page to get the new addresses for your colleagues who formerly used pangea.
Help! I didn't pay any attention and now I have no email!
Don't panic, but don't delay any longer!
The detailed instructions for email phaseout on pangea tell you everything you need to do to switch from pangea to another email account. The two most important steps that you must take right away are:
Setup email forwarding from your old pangea address to a new account. Until this is done, all new email messages sent to your pangea address are being returned to sender. See the instructions in the "What is still working" section above, but before you proceed, make sure your account or other new account you plan to use is not forwarding to your pangea account! Otherwise, you will create an endless forwarding loop that will eat all your email.
Transfer any messages in your pangea inbox or saved email folders to your new account before November 15, 2007 by following these instructions. All email still on pangea's disks on November 15 will be deleted! This includes your inbox plus saved mail folders from IMAP, webmail, and pine.