Merging Word files and illustrations into PDF

Copyright Charley Weiland. Last revision December 4, 2001

This is a complicated issue. Here is one simple, inelegant method to solve the problem:

1. Create you Microsoft Word file, and put in page breaks for the pages that will have illustrations. Here is an example of the word file, with blank pages for illustrations (already in PDF). Word document with blank pages. Feel free to put header/footer information.

2. Complete you illustration in Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Corel, etc. and save as PDF. Here is an example of map made in Illustrator 9, then saved as PDF.

3. Open both PDF files in Adobe Acrobat (not Acrobat Reader).

4. In the illustration file, chose select all and copy from the edit menu.

5. Change to the Word-file PDF, and go to to the page where you want to insert your illustration.

6. Choose Paste from the edit menu. Repeat as necessary.

Here is an example result, go to page 4, merged file.

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