Stanford’s geochronology and thermochronology laboratories, faculty
and staff offer a wide range of techniques and expertise to address problems
in the earth sciences that are constrained by time and temperature. Our
facilities include:
Note: Complete lists of faculty and student publications utilizing
our geochronology and thermochronology facilities can be found through
individual faculty web pages, lab sites or research group sites.
2004 Colgan J.P., T.A. Dumitru, and E.L. Miller, Diachroneity of Basin
and Range extension and Yellowstone hotspot volcanism in northwestern
Nevada, Geology, v. 32, p. 121-124.
2004 Hourigan, J. K. and Akinin, V. V., Tectonic and chronostratigraphic
implications of new 40Ar/39Ar geochronology and geochemistry of the
Arman and Maltan-Ola volcanic fields, Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic belt,
northeastern Russia, GSA Bulletin, p.
2003 Egger, A.E., T.A. Dumitru, E.L. Miller, C.F.I. Savage, and J.L.
Wooden, Timing and nature of Tertiary plutonism and extension in the
Grouse Creek Mountains, Utah, International Geology Review, v. 45, p.
2003 DeGraaff-Surpless, K., J.B. Mahoney, J.L. Wooden and M. McWilliams,
Lithofacies control in detrital zircon provenance studies: Insights
from the Cretaceous Methow basin, Geological Society of America Bulletin
115, 899-915. . 2003.pdf
2003 Stockli, D.F., T.A. Dumitru, M. McWilliams and K.A. Farley, Cenozoic
tectonic evolution of the White Mountains, California and Nevada, Geological
Society of America Bulletin 115, 788—816.
2002 Miller, E.L., T. Ireland, S. Klemperer, K.A. Wirth, V.V. Akinin,
T. Brocher, SHRIMP zircon dating of reflective crust and Moho beneath
the Bering Shelf, Alaska and Russia, Geological Society of America Special
Paper 360, p. 195-208.
2002 DeGraaff-Surpless, K., S.A. Graham, J.L. Wooden and M. McWilliams,
Detrital zircon provenance analysis of the Great Valley Group, California,
Geological Society of America Bulletin 114, 1564—1580
2002 Surpless, B.E., Stockli, D.F., Dumitru, T.A., and Miller, E.L.,
Two phase westward encroachment of Basin and Range extension into the
northern Sierra Nevada. Tectonics, vol. 21, 1, 10.1029/2000TC001257.
2002 D.F. Stockli, B.E. Surpless, T.A. Dumitru, and Farley, K.A., Thermochronologic
constraints on the timing and magnitude of Miocene and Pliocene extension
in the central Wassuk Range, western Nevada, Tectonics, v. 21, no. 4,
2002 Surpless, B.E., D.F. Stockli, T.A. Dumitru, and E.L. Miller, Elizabeth
L., Two-phase westward encroachment of Basin and Range extension into
the northern Sierra Nevada, Tectonics, v. 21, no. 1, 10.1029/2000TC001257.
2002 Moore, T.E. T.A. Dumitru, K.E. Adams, S.N. Witebsky, and A.G.
Harris, Origin of the Lisburne Hills-Herald Arch structural belt: Stratigraphic,
structural, and fission-track evidence from the Cape Lisburne area,
northwestern Alaska, in Tectonic Evolution of the Bering Shelf–Chukchi
Sea–Arctic Margin and Adjacent Landmasses, Geological Society
of America Special Paper 360, edited by E.L. Miller, A. Grantz, and
S.L. Klemperer, p. 77-109.
2002 Toro, J., P.B. Gans, W.C. McClelland, and T.A. Dumitru, Deformation
and exhumation of the Mount Igikpak region, central Brooks Range, Alaska,
in Tectonic Evolution of the Bering Shelf–Chukchi Sea–Arctic
Margin and Adjacent Landmasses, Geological Society of America Special
Paper 360, edited by E.L. Miller, A. Grantz, and S.L. Klemperer, p.
2001 Dumitru, T.A., D. Zhou, E. Chang, S.A. Graham, M.S. Hendrix, E.R.
Sobel, and A.R. Carroll, Uplift, exhumation, and deformation in the
Chinese Tian Shan, in Paleozoic and Mesozoic Tectonic Evolution of Central
and Eastern Asia: From Continental Assembly to Intra?continental Deformation,
Geological Society of America Memoir 194, edited by M.S. Hendrix and
G.A. Davis, p. 71-99.
2001 Dumitru, T.A., and M.S. Hendrix, Fission track constraints on
Jurassic folding and thrusting in southern Mongolia and their relationship
to the Beishan thrust belt of northern China, in Paleozoic and Mesozoic
Tectonic Evolution of Central and Eastern Asia: From Continental Assembly
to Intracontinental Deformation, Geological Society of America Memoir
194, edited by M.S. Hendrix and G.A. Davis, p. 215-229.
2001 Stockli, D.F., J.K. Linn, D.J. Walker, and T.A. Dumitru, Trevor
A., Miocene unroofing of the Canyon Range during extension along the
Sevier Desert Detachment, west central Utah, Tectonics, v. 20, p. 289-307.
2000 Dumitru, T. A., Fission-track geochronology, in Quaternary Geochronology:
Methods and Applications, edited by J.S. Noller, J.M., Sowers, and W.R.
Lettis, American Geophysical Union Reference Shelf, v. 4, p. 131-156.
2000 Arrowsmith, R., R. BŸrgmann, and T. Dumitru, Uplift and fault
slip rates in the southern San Francisco Bay Area from fission tracks,
geomorphology, and geodesy, in Quaternary Geochronology: Methods and
Applications, edited by J.S. Noller, J.M., Sowers, and W.R. Lettis,
American Geophysical Union Reference Shelf, v. 4, p. 505-510.
2000 Stockli, D.F. , Farley, K.A. and Dumitru, T.A., Calibration of
the (U-Th)/He thermochronometer on an exhumed normal fault block in
the White Mountains, eastern California and western Nevada. Geology,
v. 28; no. 11, p.983-986.