Laboratory Facilities

  • Sample preparation lab: Green 254
  • High temperature synthesis lab: Green 042
  • 400 MHz NMR lab: Green 254, 723-4475
  • 600 MHz NMR lab: Green 032, 725-0041

Sample preparation and characterization

A wide range of support and analytical facilities are available within the laboratories of the Stebbins group, the Stanford School of Earth Sciences, and other materials research labs at Stanford. Equipment includes controlled-atmosphere furnaces capable of reaching 1700 to 1800 C, a nitrogen dry box for handling hygroscopic samples, cold-seal hydrothermal apparatus capable of reaching 700 C and 2 kbar, and other sample preparation equipment. Analytical facilities include ICP and ICP-MS laboratories, scanning and transmission electron microscopes, micro-Raman, electron microprobe, SHRIMP-RG ion microprobe, x-ray diffractometers, and a high temperature Netzsch Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC). Also recently acquired in the Stanford Nanocharacterization Facility is a PHI700 scanning Auger "nanoprobe," as well as several new transmission and scannng electron microscopes, and, most recently, a Cameca nanoSIMS ion microprobe. The major facilities are staffed by professional senior research scientists.

Of particular interest to studies of temperature effects on melt structure is our rapid quench apparatus, which can "hammer quench" small (10 to 30 mg) samples of oxide melts, including expensive isotopically enriched materials, from above liquidus temperatures (up to 1600 C, in a controlled atmosphere) to below the glass transition in a small fraction of a second, providing an extended range of fictive temperatures in a whole range of previously difficult samples.

Read more about the lab equipment