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SUPRI-D Projects
 R e s e a r c h   C o n s o r t i u m   o n   I n n o v a t i o n   i n   W e l l   T e s t i n g


SUPRI-D Current Program Topics

Sanghui Ahn, PhD Candidate, "Harmonic and Cyclic Testing"

Mohammed Alaskar, PhD candidate, "Analyzing Fractures Using Nanoparticle Tracers"

Zied Al-Ghareeb, MS Candidate, "Monitoring and Control of Multilateral Wells"

Abeeb Awontunde, PhD Candidate, "Relating Time Series in Data to Spatial Variation in the Reservoir, Using Wavelets"

Aysegul Dastan, PhD Candidate, "A New Look at Nonlinear Regression Algorithms”

Obinna Duru, PhD Candidate, ""Analyzing Temperature Transients Using Permanent Downhole Temperature Data"

Yang Liu, MS Candidate, "Cointerpretation of Pressure and Flow Rate Data from Permanent Downhole Gauges"

Chunmei Shi, PhD Candidate, "Flow Behavior of Gas-Condensate Wells"  

Hai Xuan Vo, MS Candidate, "Gas-Condensate Well Testing"

Zhe Wang, MS Candidate, "Use of Distributed Temperature Measurements"

Recently Completed Projects

"Reservoir Analysis Based on Compositional Gradients,"  Olubusola Thomas, completed February 2007

"Integrated Analysis of Production and Wireline Logs", Masahiko Nomura, completed August 2006

"Analysis of Permeability Distributions Using Wavelets", Isha Sahni, completed August 2006

"Gas Flow During Well Testing", Zhun Li, completed June 2006

"Analyzing Permanent Downhole Flowrate  Data", Himansu Rai, completed June 2005

"Production Optimization under Time-Dependent Uncertainy",  Umut Ozdogan, completed June 2004

"Optimization of Production Using Quality Maps", Oliuwatoyin Badru completed June 2003

"Analysis of Permeability Distributions Using Wavelets", Isha Sahni, completed June 2003

"Green Well Tests", Ashish Dabral, completed June 2003

"Well Testing in Gas-Condensate Reservoirs", Rajeev Lal, completed June 2003

"Analyzing Permanent Downhole Gauge Data", Jang-Hyun Lee, completed, June 2003
"Integration of Data from Multiple Sources to Determine Depth Dependent Properties", Vinh Phan, completed June 2002

"Optimization of Production Using Hybrid Genetic Algorithms", Baris Guyaguler, completed June 2002

"Interpreting Permanent Downhole Gauge Data without Knowing the Reservoir Model", Olubusola Thomas, completed June 2002

"Effects of Relative Permability on Parameter Estimation", Martin Cocco, completed September 2002

"Experiments in Cyclic Pressure Variation", ChunTang Xu, completed June 2002

"Analysis of Permeability Distributions Using Wavelets", PengBo Lu, completed June 2001 

"Well Test Analysis of Gas-Condensate Wells", Bruno Roussennac, completed June 2001

"Permanent Downhole Gauges", K.C. Khong, completed June 2001

Use of Boundary Elements to Combine Pressure and Tracer Transport Information, Rosalind Archer, completed, June 2000.

Testing Reservoirs with Medium Frequency Impulses, Yan Pan, completed, June 1999.

Manipulation and Interpretation of Long-Term Permanent Downhole Pressure Data, Suwat Athichanagorn, completed, June 1999.

Using the Laplace Pressure Method with Unknown History, Patrick Gilly, completed, June 1998.

Analysis of Horizontal and Slanted Wells in Layered Reservoirs, Pengbo Lu, completed September 1997.

Interpretation of Depth Dependent Reservoir Properties Using Dynamic Data, Vinh Phan, completed, June 1998.

Optimization of Field Production Strategy, Antonio Bittencourt, completed January 1997.

Integration of Data to Estimate Distributed Reservoir Information, Jorge Landa, completed June 1997.

Ultrasonic Downhole Flow Rate Measurement, Vinh Phan and Roland Horne, completed February 1997.