From 2005 Penrose Conference:
Use of elasticity theory to model structures beneath Mammoth Mountain,
G. Hughes, D. Pollard, G. Mahood
In 1989-1990 earthquake swarms beneath Mammoth Mountain accompanied a
possible dike intrusion (Hill et al 1990; Langbein et al 1993, 1995; Prejean
et al 2003) and the possible activation of normal slip on a ring-like
structure at depth (Prejean et al 2003). Models based on these proposed
structures and constrained by geological data, were constructed in Poly3D,
a modeling program based on elasticity theory, in order to investigate
surface deformation resulting from dike intrusion and fault slip. Models
were evaluated by a comparison of the calculated surface deformation with
the 1988-1992 leveling data presented in Lanbein et al 1995.
The preliminary results of this study suggest that a 1 m width dike aligned
with the plane of seismicity suggested by Prejean et al (2003) would not
produce the required surface deformation. Thus a longer and shallower
aseismic extension of the plane, similar to Langbein et al’s 1995
formulation might be necessary to explain surface deformation at the centimeter
scale. Additionally, a model of the ring-fault showed that 1 cm of normal
slip caused negligible deformation.
