Igneous Petrology and
Field-based studies, augmented by chemical and isotopic analyses and
petrologic modelling, determining the origins and evolution of magmas
and their relation to tectonic setting, particularly magmatism related
to continental extension, large silicic calderas, granitic batholiths,
mafic layered intrusions, and mafic supra-subduction arcs.
Faculty: Gail
Mahood, Dennis
Bird, W.
Gary Ernst (Emeritus)
Related Laboratory Facilities:
- Sensitive High Resolution
Ion Microprobe lab (SHRIMP-RG)
- Stanford Noble
Gas Lab: Laser-probe 40Ar/39Ar system and (U-Th)/He lab
- Thermal ionization mass spectrometer for analysis of Sr, Nd, and
Pb isotopes
- Electron
microprobe with image-analysis system
- Scanning and transmission electron microscopes
- X-ray diffractometer
- Hi-P and Hi-T apparatus for experimental petrology and mineral synthesis
- Stable Isotope Laboratory for measurement of O, C, and H isotopes
in rocks and minerals
- Clean labs for isotopic analyses
- Rock crushing and mineral separation labs for chemical and isotopic
- for more information, see the GES
facilities site.