A native of Colorado, Marsh received his undergraduate degree in Geological Engineering from Colorado School of Mines in 1986. During 1986 to 1990, Marsh was employed as a mining and exploration geologist in Mojave, California, and Summitville, Colorado. He currently is a Ph.D. candidate at Stanford studying the geochronology and sulfur isotope geochemistry of Cu-Au porphyry and Au-Ag epithermal deposits in the Potrerillos mining district, Chile.
Publications by Marsh:
Blaske, A.R., Bornhorst, T.J., Brady, J.M., Marsh, T.M., and McKitrick, S.A. (1991) The Shumake volcanic dome-hosted epithermal precious metal deposit, western Mojave Desert, California: Econ. Geol., v. 86, p. 1646-1656.
Brady, J.M., Marsh, T.M., and McKitrick, S.A. (1991) The Cactus gold mine, Kern County, California, in McKibben, M.A. (ed) The diversity of mineral and energy resources of southern California: Soc. Econ. Geologists, Guidebook 12, p. 65-71.