Marco Einaudi's C.V.
- BA, Geology, Cornell University, 1961
- MA, Geology, Harvard University, 1965
- PhD, Geology, Harvard University, 1969
- 1968-75 Geologist to Project Geologist, The Anaconda Co.
- 1981-82 Visiting Investigator, Geophysical Laboratory,
Carnegie Institution of
- Washington, Washington, D.C.
- 1975-pres Assistant Professor to Professor, Dept. of
Geological and Environmental
Sciences, Stanford University.
Honors and Awards:
- 1982-83 Thayer Lindsley Visiting Lecturer,
Society of Economic Geologists
- 1984-pres W.J. & M.L. Crook Professor of Applied
Earth Sciences, Stanford
- 1986 Hugh Exton McKinstry Memorial Lecturer, Harvard University
- 1988 Fellow, Geological Society of America
- 1993 Silver Medal, Society of Economic Geologists
- 1994 International Exchange Lecturer, Soc. of Econ. Geologists
Professional Service:
- 1974-89 member of 7 committees of Society of Economic Geologists
- 1979-81 Councilor, Society of Economic Geologists
- 1979-84 Editorial Board, Economic Geology
- 1978-86 Editor, 3 special issues of Economic Geology
- 1982-86 Chairman, Dept of Applied Earth Sciences,
Stanford University
- 1986-pres Associate Dean for Academic Affairs,
School of Earth Sciences, Stanford
- 1992-94 Editorial Board, Mineralium Deposita
- 1994 Vice President, Society of Econ. Geologists
- 1993-pres Member, Board of Directors, Economic
Geology Publishing Co.
- 1994-pres Vice President, Economic Geology Publishing Company
- 1994-1997 Member, Board on Earth Sciences and Resources,
and Committee on Earth Resources Council
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