Course Offerings
Students with a good background in physical science, engineering and mathematics are well-qualified to join the department. Most of our students, and all but one of our faculty, did not have a first degree in petroleum engineering. Our present students have degrees in chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, computer science, physics and mathematics, as well as petroleum engineering. Classes are usually taught in small groups of 5-15, in a stimulating, informal atmosphere. Students receive rigorous training in the basics of petroleum engineering, petroleum geology, reservoir engineering, well testing, simulation and reservoir modeling. Students benefit from courses, seminars and interaction with fellow students and faculty of the associated School of Earth Sciences departments, Geophysics and Geological and Environmental Sciences. Students are also encouraged to take relevant classes given by departments outside the school, such as Civil Engineering (Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport), Computer Science, Chemical Engineering, and Mathematics. The academic year is divided into four quarters, although most students take a job over the summer quarter. Full-time study amounts to 15 units a quarter, equivalent to three to five courses. Course Descriptions and TimesThe most up-to-date course descriptions and times can be found in AXESS, Stanford's course database. Students will need to log in with their SUNet ID. Course descriptions can also be found in the Stanford Bulletin, which contains information about the University's departments and programs, including courses taught during the current academic year. The Bulletin is printed annually around mid-September. Come by the Energy Resources Engineerring office to see a copy, or contact the Registrar's Office. Course meeting times are published quarterly in the Time Schedule. Printed copies of the Time Schedule are available from the Registrar's Office, but students are advised to check AXESS, as the information updates frequently. Download a PDF of the Energy Resources Engineering's Course Offerings.
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