List of Publications (July 31, 2024)

Roland N. Horne, Ph.D., D.Sc.


Papers in Refereed Journals:

1. Horne, R.N., and O'Sullivan, M.J.: "Oscillatory Convection in a Porous Medium Heated from Below," J. Fluid Mech., 66, 339-353 (1974).


2. Horne, R.N., and O'Sullivan, M.J.: "The Origin of Oscillatory Convection in a Porous Medium Heated from Below," The Physics of Fluids, 21, 1260-65 (1978).


3. Horne, R.N., and O'Sullivan, M.J.: "Convection in a Porous Medium Heated from Below:  The Effect of Temperature Dependent Viscosity and Thermal Expansion Coefficient," J. Heat Transfer, 100, 448-552 (1978).


4. Rana, R., Horne, R.N., and Cheng, P.: "Thermal Convection in a Multilayered Geothermal Reservoir," J. Heat Transfer, 101, 411-416 (1978).


5. Horne, R.N., and O'Sullivan, M.J.: "Numerical Modeling of a Desaturating Geothermal Reservoir," Numerical Heat Transfer, 1, (1978).


6. Horne, R.N.: "Three-Dimensional Natural Convection in a Confined Porous Medium Heated from Below," J. Fluid Mech., 92, 751-766 (1979).


7. Horne, R.N., and Shinohara, K.: "A Note on Wellbore Heat Loss in Production and Injection," J. Petroleum Tech.," 31, (Jan. 1979), 116-118.


8. Horne, R.N., and Caltagirone, J.P.: "On the Evolution of Thermal Disturbances During Natural Convection in a Porous Medium," J. Fluid Mech., 100, 385-395 (1980).


9. Horne, R.N.:  "Geothermal Reinjection Experience in Japan," J. Pet. Tech., 34, 495-503 (1982).


10. Horne, R.N., and Temeng, K.:  "The Recognition and Location of Pinch-Out Boundaries by Pressure Transient Analysis," J. Pet. Tech., 34, 517-519, (1982).


11. Horne, R.N.:  "Geothermal Reinjection into Fractured Reservoirs," Japan Geothermal Energy Association Journal, 1, 23-30, (1982), (in Japanese).


12. Spivak, D., and Horne, R.N.:  "Unsteady State Pressure Response Due to Production with a Slotted Linear Completion," J. Pet. Tech., 35, (1983), p. 1366-1372.


13. See, B., and Horne, R.N.:  "Improved Application of Linear Programming Optimization to Non-Linear Reservoir Simulations Using a Least Squares Determination of the Influence Functions," Soc. Pet. Eng. J., (Oct. 1983), p. 717-726.


14. Horne, R.N., and Rodriguez, F.:  "Dispersion in Tracer Flow in Fractured Geothermal Systems," Geoph. Res. Lett., 10, 289-292 (1983).


15. Onyekonwu, M., and Horne, R.N.:  "Pressure Response of a Reservoir with Spherically Discontinuous Properties," J. Pet. Tech., 35, (1983), p. 2127-2134.


16. Temeng, K.O., and Horne, R.N.:  "Pressure Distributions in Eccentric Circular Systems," Soc. Pet. Eng. J., (Dec. 1984), 677-684.


17. Horne, R.N.:  "The Fenske Conservation Method for Pressure Transient Solutions with Storage", Soc. Pet. Eng. J., (June 1985), 437-444.


18. Menzies, A.J., Gudmundsson, J.S., and Horne, R.N.:  "Streamtube Relative Permeability Functions for Flashing Steam-Water Flow in Fractures," SPE Reservoir Engineering, (July 1986), 371-377.


19. Barua, J., and Horne, R.N.:  "Computerized Analysis of Thermal Recovery Well Test Data," SPE Formation Evaluation, (December 1987), 560-566; Transactions, AIME, 290.


20. Houzé, O.P., Horne, R.N., and Ramey, H.J., Jr.:  "Pressure-Transient Response of an Infinite Conductivity Vertical Fracture in a Reservoir with Double Porosity," SPE Formation Evaluation, (September 1988), 510-518.


21. Horne, R.N.:  "Reservoir Engineering Aspects of Reinjection,"  Geothermics, 14, (1985), 449-458.


22. Gerard, M.G., and Horne, R.N.:  "Effects of External Boundaries on the Recognition and Procedure for Location of Reservoir Pinchout Boundaries by Pressure Transient Analysis," Soc. Pet. Eng. J., (June 1985), 427-436.


23. Sageev, A., Horne, R.N., and Ramey, H.J., Jr.:  "Detection of Linear Boundaries by Drawdown Tests: A Semilog Type Curve Matching Approach," Water Resource Research, 21,(1985), 305-310.


24. Sageev, A., and Horne, R.N.:  "Interference Between Constant Rate and Constant Pressure Reservoirs Sharing a Common Aquifer", Soc. Pet. Eng. J., (June 1985), 419-426.


25. Guillot, A.Y., and Horne, R.N.:  "Using Simultaneous Downhole Flow Rate and Pressure Measurements to Improve Analysis of Well Tests," SPE Formation Evaluation, (June 1986), 217-226.


26. Ohno, K., Nanba, T., and Horne, R.N.:  "Analysis of Interwell Tracer Test in a Depleted Heavy Oil Reservoir," SPE Formation Evaluation, (December 1987), p. 487-494.


27. Barua, J., Horne, R.N., Greenstadt, J.L., and Lopez, L.:  "Improved Estimation Algorithms for Automated Type Curve Analysis of Well Tests", SPE Formation Evaluation, (March 1988), 186-196


28. Horne, R.N., and Kuchuk, F.:  "The Use of Simultaneous Spinner and Pressure Measurements to Replace Isochronal Gas Well Tests", SPE Formation Evaluation, (June 1988), p. 467-470


29. Masukawa, J., and Horne, R.N.:  "The Application of the Boundary Integral Method to Immiscible Displacement Problems",  SPE Reservoir Engineering, (August 1988), p. 1069-1077.


30. Grader, A., and Horne, R.N.:  "Interference Testing:  Detecting an Impermeable or Compressible Region", SPE Formation Evaluation, (June 1988), 428-437.


31. Horne, R.N.: "The Use of Tracer Tests in Fractured Geothermal Reservoirs", Chinetsu Enerugii (Geothermal Energy), 13, 60-66, (1988), (in Japanese).


32. Allain, O.F., and Horne, R.N.:  "Use of Artificial Intelligence in Well Test Interpretation", J. Petroleum Tech., (March 1990), 342-349.


33. Kikani, J. and Horne, R.N.:  "Application of Boundary Integral Method for Reservoir Engineering Problems", J. Petroleum Science & Engineering, 3, (1989), 229-241.


34. Bratvold, R.B., and Horne, R.N.:  "Analysis of Pressure Falloff Tests Following Cold Water Injection", SPE Formation Evaluation, (September 1990), 293-302.


35. Nanba, T., and Horne, R.N.:  "An Improved Algorithm for Automated Well Test Analysis", SPE Formation Evaluation, (March 1992), 61-69.


36. Kikani, J. and Horne, R.N.:  "Pressure Transient Analysis of Arbitrary Shaped Reservoirs with the Boundary Element Method", SPE Formation Evaluation, (March 1992), 53-60.


37. Carroll III, J., and Horne, R.N.:  "Multivariate Production System Optimization, J. Petroleum Tech., (July 1992), 782-789, 831. [Best Paper of 1992 Award, J. Petroleum Tech.]


38. Bourgeois, M., and Horne, R.N.:  "Model Identification Using Laplace Space Type Curves", SPE Formation Evaluation, (March 1993), 17-25. [Best Paper of 1993 Award, SPE Formation Evaluation]


39. Kikani, J., and Horne, R.N.: "Modeling Pressure Transient Behavior of Sectionally Heterogeneous Reservoir by the Boundary Element Method", SPE Formation Evaluation, (June 1993), 145-151.


40. Sato, K., and Horne, R.N.: "Perturbation Boundary Element Method for Heterogeneous Reservoirs: Part 1 -- Steady State Flow Problems", SPE Formation Evaluation, (Dec. 1993), 306-314.


41. Sato, K., and Horne, R.N.: "Perturbation Boundary Element Method for Heterogeneous Reservoirs: Part 2 -- Transient Flow Problems", SPE Formation Evaluation, (Dec. 1993), 315-322.


42. Horne, R.N.:  "Advances in Computer-Aided Well Test Interpretation", J. Petroleum Tech., (July 1994), 599-606.


43. Rosa, A.J., and Horne, R.N.:  "Automated Well Test Analysis Using Robust Nonlinear Parameter Estimation", SPE Advanced Technology Series, (March 1995).


44. Fujii, H., and Horne, R.N.:  "Multivariate Optimization of Networked Production Systems," SPE Production and Facilities, (August 1995), 165-171.


45. Anraku, T., and Horne, R.N.:  "Discrimination Between Reservoir Models in Well Test Analysis,"  SPE Formation Evaluation, (June 1995), 114-121.


46. Shang, S.B., Horne, R.N. and Ramey, H.J. Jr., "Water Adsorption on Geothermal Reservoir Rocks", Geothermics 24(4), 523-540 (1995).


47. Rosa, A.J., and Horne, R.N.:  "Pressure Transient Behavior in Reservoirs with an Internal Circular Discontinuity," SPE Journal, (March 1996).


48. Rosa, A.J., and Horne, R.N.:  "New Approaches for Robust Nonlinear Parameter Estimation in Automated Well Test Analysis Using the Least Absolute Value Criterion," SPE Advanced Technology Series, 4, (1996), 21-27.


49. Rosa, A.J., and Horne, R.N.:  "Reservoir Description by Well Test Analysis Using Cyclic Flow Rate Variations", SPE Formation Evaluation, December 1997, 247-254.


50. Gilly, P., and Horne, R.N.: "Analysis of Pressure/Flow-Rate Data With the Pressure-History-Recovery Method", SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, 2(4), August 1999, 314-324.


51. Pan, Y., and Horne, R.N.: "Improved Methods for Multivariate Optimization of Field Development Scheduling and Well Placement Design", J. Petroleum Tech. (December 1998).


52. Guyaguler, B., and Horne, R.N.: "Optimization of Well Placement", Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 122, June 2000, 64-70.


53. Pan, Y., and Horne, R.N.: "Resonant Behavior of Saturated Porous Media", Journal of Geophysical Research, (2000), 11021-11029.


54. Landa, J.L., Kamal, M.M., Jenkins, C.D., and Horne, R.N.: “Reservoir Characterization Constrained to Well Test Data: A Field Example”, SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, 3(4), August 2000, 325-334.


55. Wang, C., and Horne, R.N.: "Boiling Flow in a Horizontal Fracture", Geothermics, 29, 2000, 759-772.


56. Pan, Y., and Horne, R.N.: "Generalized Macroscopic Models for Fluid Flow in Deformable Porous Media I: Theories", Transport in Porous Media, Vol.45, No.1, pp.1-27, 2001.


57. Pan, Y., and Horne, R.N.: "Generalized Macroscopic Models for Fluid Flow in Deformable Porous Media II: Numerical Results and Applications", Transport in Porous Media, Vol.45, No.2, pp. 195-213, 2001.


58. Sullera, M.M., and Horne, R.N.: "Inferring Injection Returns form Chloride Monitoring Data", Geothermics, 30, (2001), 591-616.


59. Li, K., and Horne, R.N.:  "An Experimental and Analytical Study of Steam-Water Capillary Pressure", SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, 4(6), December 2001, 477-482.


60. Li, K. and Horne, R.N.: “Characterization of Spontaneous Water Imbibition into Gas-Saturated Rocks,” SPEJ (December 2001), 6(4), p.375-384.


61. Archer, R.A., and Horne, R.N.:  “Green Element Method and Singularity Programming for Numerical Well Test Analysis”, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 26 (6), 2002, 537-546


62. Gűyagűler, B., Horne, R.N., Rogers, L., and Rosenzweig, J.J.: "Optimization of Well Placement in a Gulf of Mexico Waterflooding Project,  SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 5(3), June 2002, 229-236.


63. Athichanagorn, S., Horne, R.N., and Kikani, J.: "Processing and Interpretation of Long-Term Data Acquired from Permanent Pressure Gauges", SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 5(5), October 2002, 384-391.


64. Gűyagűler, B., Horne, R.N., and Tauzin, E.: "Automated Reservoir Model Selection in Well Test Interpretation", SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 6(2), April 2003, 100-107.


65. da Cruz, P.S., Horne, R.N., and Deutsch, C.V.: "The Quality Map: A Tool for Reservoir Uncertainty Quantification and Decision Making", SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 7(1), February, 2004, 6-14.


66. Gűyagűler, B., and Horne, R.N.: "Uncertainty Assessment of Well Placement Optimization", SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 7(1), February, 2004, 24-32.


67. Chen, C.Y., Horne, R.N., and Fourar, M.: "Experimental Study of Liquid-Gas Flow Structure Effects on Relative Permeabilities in a Fracture", Water Resour. Res., Vol. 40, No. 8, August 2004.


68. Li, K. and Horne, R.N.: “Steam-Water and Air-Water Capillary Pressures: Measurement and Comparison,” J. of Canadian Petroleum Technology (July 2004), V.43, No. 7.


69. Li, K. and Horne, R.N.: “An Analytical Scaling Method for Spontaneous Imbibition in Gas-Water-Rock Systems,” SPEJ (September 2004), 9(3).


70. Li, K. and Horne, R.N.: “Experimental Study of Gas Slippage in Two-Phase Flow,” SPEREE (December 2004), 409-415.


71. Fourar, M., Lenormand R., Karami-Fard M., and Horne R.N.: "Inertia Effects in High-Rate flow Through Heterogeneous Porous Media," Transport in Porous Media (2005), 60(3), 353-370.


72. Sahni, I., and Horne R.N.: "Multiresolution Wavelet Analysis for Improved Reservoir Description," SPEREE (February 2005), 8(1), 53-69.


73. Li, K., and Horne, R.N.: “An Analytical Model for Production Decline-Curve Analysis in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs,” SPEREE (June 2005), 8(3), 197-204.


74. Li, K. and Horne, R.N.: "Computation of Capillary Pressure and Global Mobility From Spontaneous Water Imbibition Into Oil-Saturated Rock," SPEJ (December 2005), 10(4), 458-465.


75. Chen, C.Y., and Horne, R.N.: "Two-Phase Flow in Rough-Walled Fractures: Experiments and a Flow Structure Model", Water Resources Research, (2006), 42, W03430, doi:10.1029/2004WR003837.


76. Ozdogan, U. and Horne, R.N.: “Optimization of Well Placement Under Time-Dependent Uncertainty,” SPEREE (April 2006), 9(2), 135-145.


77. Sahni, I. and Horne, R.N.: “Generating Multiple History-Matched Reservoir Model Realizations Using Wavelets,” SPEREE (June 2006), 9(3), 217-226.


78. Li, K., and Horne, R.N.: “Generalized Scaling Approach for Spontaneous Imbibition: An Analytical Model,” SPEREE (June 2006), 9(3), 251-258.


79. Li, K., and Horne, R.N.: “Comparison of Methods to Calculate Relative Permeability from Capillary Pressure in Consolidated Water-Wet Porous Media,” Water Resour. Res., 42, (2006), W06405, doi:10.1029/2005WR004482.


80. Li, K., Chow, K. and Horne, R.N.: “Influence of Initial Water Saturation on Recovery by Spontaneous Imbibition in Gas/Water/Rock Systems and the Calculation of Relative Permeability,” SPEREE (August 2006), 9(4), 295-301.


81. Li, K., and Horne, R.N.: “Fractal Modeling of Capillary Pressure Curves for The Geysers Rocks,” Geothermics, 35 (2006), 198–207.


82. Li, K., and Horne, R.N.: “Comparison and Verification of Production Prediction Models,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 55 (3-4), February 2007, 213-220. doi:10.1016/j.petrol.2006.08.015


83. Chen, C.Y., Li, K. and Horne, R.N.: “Experimental Study of Phase Transformation Effects on Relative Permeabilities in Fractures,” SPEREE (October  2007), 10(5), pp. 514-526.


84. Li, K. and Horne, N.R.: “Modeling of Oil Production by Gravity Drainage,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 60 (2008), 161- 169. doi: 10.1016/j.petrol.2007.06.002.


85. Li, K. and Horne, R.N.: “Systematic Study of Steam-Water Capillary Pressure,” Geothermics, 36 (2007) 558–574, doi:10.1016/j.geothermics.2007.08.002.


86. Horne, R.N.: “Listening to the Reservoir—Interpreting Data From Permanent Downhole Gauges,” J. Petroleum Tech., (December 2007), 98-106.


87. Li, K. and Horne, R.N.: “Estimation of Wettability in Gas-liquid-rock Systems,” Geothermics (2008), doi:10.1016/j.geothermics.2008.03.002.


88. Li, K. and Horne, R.N.: “Numerical Simulation without Using Experimental Data of Relative Permeability,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 61 (2008) 67–74, doi:10.1016/j.petrol.2008.03.002, 2008.


89. Szucs, P., and Horne, R.N.: “Applicability of the ACE Algorithm for Multiple Regression in Hydrogeology,” Computational Geosciences, 13, (2009) 123-134, doi:10.1007/s10596-008-9112-z., 2009.


90. Stacey, R.W., C.M., Li, K., and Horne, R.N.: “Investigating Electrical-Impedance Tomography as a Technique for Real-Time Saturation Monitoring,” SPE Journal, 1(1), (2009), pp. 135-143, doi: 10.2118/103124-PA


91. Duru, O.O., and Horne, R.N.: "Modeling Reservoir Temperature Transients and Reservoir-Parameter Estimation Constrained to the Model," SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 13(6), (2010), pp. 873-883. doi: 10.2118/115791-PA.


92. Dastan, A., and Horne, R.N.: "Significant Improvement in the Accuracy of Pressure Transient Analysis Using Total Least Squares," SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 13(4), (2010), pp. 614-625. doi: 10.2118/125099-PA.


93. Awotunde, A. A., and R. N. Horne: "A Wavelet Approach to Adjoint State Sensitivity Computation for Steady State Differential Equations," Water Resour. Res., 47, (2011), W03502, doi:10.1029/2010WR009165.


94. Dastan, A., and R. N. Horne: "Robust Well-Test Interpretation by Using Nonlinear Regression With Parameter and Data Transformations," SPE Journal, (2011), doi:10.2118/132467-PA.


95. McClure, M.W., and R. N. Horne: “Investigation of Injection-Induced Seismicity Using a Coupled Fluid Flow and Rate/state Friction Model,” Geophysics. Vol. 76, No. 6 (November-December 2011); P. WC183–WC200, 10.1190/GEO2011-0064.1


96. Alaskar, M., Ames, M., Connor, S., Liu, C., Li, K., and Horne, R.N.: 2012. Nanoparticle and Microparticle Flow in Porous and Fractured Media--An Experimental Study. SPE J.  17 (4): 1160-1171. SPE-146752-PA.


97. Juliusson, E., and R. N. Horne (2013), Characterization of Fractured Reservoirs Using Tracer and Flow-Rate Data, Water Resour. Res., 49, doi:10.1002/wrcr.20220.


98. Awotunde, A. A., and R. N. Horne: "Reservoir Description with Integrated Multiwell Data Using Two-Dimensional Wavelets," Math Geosci (2013) 45:225–252, DOI 10.1007/s11004-013-9440-y.


99. Liu, Y., and R. N. Horne: "Interpreting Pressure and Flow-Rate Data From Permanent Downhole Gauges by Use of Data-Mining Approaches," SPE Journal, 18(1), (2013) 69-82. DOI:10.2118/147298-PA


100. McClure, M.W., and R. N. Horne: “Correlations between Formation Properties and Induced Seismicity during High Pressure Injection into Granitic Rock,” Engineering Geology, (2014)


101. Li, K., Shapiro, M., Horne, R. N., Ma, S., Hajari, A., and Mudhhi, M.: “In Situ Estimation of Relative Permeability from Resistivity Measurements”, Petroleum Geoscience, v. 20, 2014, pp. 143–151,, 2014.


102. Ames, M., Li, K. and Horne, R.: “The Utility of Threshold Reactive Tracers for Characterizing Temperature Distributions in Geothermal Reservoirs”, Mathematical Geosciences, DOI 10.1007/s11004-013-9506-x, 1-12, 2014.


103. Magnusdottir, L., and Horne, R.: “Inversion of Time-Lapse Electric Potential Data to Estimate Fracture Connectivity in Geothermal Reservoirs”, Mathematical Geosciences, (2015) 47:85–104, DOI 10.1007/s11004-013-9515-9.


104. McClure, M.W., and R. N. Horne: “An investigation of stimulation mechanisms in Enhanced Geothermal Systems”, International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 72 (2014) 242–260. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2014.07.011


105. Norbeck, J.H., McClure, M.W., Lo, J.W., and Horne, R.N.: "An Embedded Fracture Modeling Framework for Simulation of Hydraulic Fracturing and Shear Stimulation," Comput Geosci, (2015). DOI 10.1007/s10596-015-9543-2


106. Ribeiro, P. and Horne, R. N.: "Detecting Fracture Growth Out of Zone by Use of Temperature Analysis," SPEJ, (2015). SPE-170746-PA.


107. Norbeck, J. H. and Horne, R. N.: "Physical Mechanisms Related to Microseismic-Depletion-Delineation Field Tests With Application to Reservoir Surveillance," SPEJ.(2015) SPE-178926-PA.


108. Li, K., Pan, B., and Horne, R.N.: "Evaluating fractures in rocks from geothermal reservoirs using resistivity at different frequencies," Energy 93, 1230-1238 (2015), doi:10.1016/


109. Alaskar, M., Li, K., and Horne, R.N.: "Silica Particles Mobility Through Fractured Rock," Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, (2015) 40, 1205–1222, doi:10.1007/s13369-015-1577-1


110. Alaskar, M., Ames, M., Liu, C., Li, K., and Horne, R.N.: "Temperature nanotracers for fractured reservoirs characterization," Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 127 (2015) 212–228. doi:10.1016/j.petrol.2015.01.021


111. Norbeck, J.H., and Horne, R.N.: "Evidence for a transient hydromechanical and frictional faulting response during the 2011 Mw 5.6 Prague, Oklahoma earthquake sequence", J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 121, (2016). doi:10.1002/2016JB013148.


112. Suzuki, A., T. Hashida, K. Li, and R.N. Horne: "Experimental tests of truncated diffusion in fault damage zones", Water Resour. Res., 52, (2016), doi:10.1002/2016WR019017.

113. Suzuki, A., N. Watanabe, K. Li, and R. N. Horne: "Fracture network created by 3-D printer and its validation using CT images," Water Resour. Res., 53, (2017), doi:10.1002/2017WR021032.


114. Norbeck, J.H., McClure, and Horne, R.N.: "Field Observations at the Fenton Hill Enhanced Geothermal System Test Site Support Mixed-Mechanism Stimulation," Geothermics, 74 (2018) 135–149. DOI 10.1016/j.geothermics.2018.03.003


115. Wong, Z.Y., Horne, R.N., Tchelepi, H.A.: "Sequential Implicit Nonlinear Solver for Geothermal Simulation," Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 368, 1 September 2018, Pages 236-253, ISSN 0021-9991,


116. Norbeck, J.H., and Horne, R.N.: "Maximum magnitude of injection-induced earthquakes: A criterion to assess the influence of pressure migration along faults," Tectonophysics (2018); 733: 108–18. DOI 10.1016/j.tecto.2018.01.028


117. Sato, K., and Horne, R.N.: "Time-Lapse Analysis of Pressure Transients Due to Ocean Tides for Estimating CO2 Saturation Changes,” International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 78, 2018, 160-167,.


118. Suzuki, A., J. Minto, N. Watanabe, K. Li, and R. N. Horne: "Contributions of 3D Printed Fracture Networks to Development of Flow and Transport Models," Transport in Porous Media, 53, 1-16 (2018), doi:10.1007/s11242-018-1154-7.


119. Zhi Yang Wong, Felix Kwok, Roland N. Horne, Hamdi A. Tchelepi: “Sequential-Implicit Newton Method for Multiphysics Simulation,” Journal of Computational Physics, 391 (2019), 155-178,


120. Tian, C., and Horne, R.N.: “Applying Machine-Learning Techniques to Interpret Flow-Rate, Pressure, and Temperature Data from Permanent Downhole Gauges.” (2019, January 1). Society of Petroleum Engineers, Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering. doi:10.2118/174034-PA.


121. Suzuki, A., Cui, J., Zhang*, Y., Uehara, S., Li, K., Horne, R.N., Ito, T.: “Experimental Study on Nano-/Microparticles Transport to Characterize Structures in Fractured Porous Media,” Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, (2020),


122. Zhang, Y., A.E. Dekas, A.J. Hawkins, A.E. Parada, O. Gorbatenko, K. Li and R. N. Horne: “Microbial Community Composition in DeepSubsurface Reservoir Fluids Reveals Natural Interwell Connectivity.” (February 2020). Water Resources Research, 56 (2).


123. Alakeely, A. and Horne, R. N.: “Simulating the Behavior of Reservoirs with Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks”. SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering-Reservoir Engineering. SPE-201193-PA (posted 20 May 2020).


124. Aljubran, M. (Jabs), and Horne, R.N.: “Prediction of Multilateral Inflow Control Valve Flow Performance Using Machine Learning”. Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal. SPE-196003-PA (posted 1 April 2020). doi:10.2118/196003-PA


125. Gao, X., Sato, K., and Horne, R.N.: “General Solution for Tidal Behavior in Confined and Semiconfined Aquifers Considering Skin and Wellbore Storage Effects”. Water Resources Research, (2020), 56, e2020WR027195. 1029/2020WR027195


126. Li, K., Garrison, G., Moore, M., Zhu, Y., Liu, C., Horne, R.N., and Petty, S.: “An Expandable Thermoelectric Power Generator and the Experimental Studies on Power Output,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 160, (2020),


127. Aljubran, M. (Jabs), and Horne, R.N.: “Surrogate-Based Prediction and Optimization of Multilateral Inflow Control Valve Flow Performance with Production Data.” Society of Petroleum Engineers, Production and Operations (October 2020). doi:10.2118/200884-PA


128. Li, K., Garrison, G., Zhu, Y., Moore, M., Liu, C., Hepper, J., Bandt, L., Horne, R.N., and Petty, S.: “Thermoelectric Power Generator: Field Test at Bottle Rock Geothermal Power Plant,” Journal of Power Sources, 485, (2021) 229266,


129. Zhang, Y., Hartung, M. B., Hawkins, A. J., Dekas, A. E., Li, K., & Horne, R. N. (2021). DNA Tracer Transport Through Porous Media – The Effect of DNA Length and Adsorption. Water Resources Research, 57, e2020WR028382.


130. Ahinoam Pollack, Trenton T. Cladouhos, Michael W. Swyer, Drew Siler, Tapan Mukerji, Roland N. Horne, “Stochastic inversion of gravity, magnetic, tracer, lithology, and fault data for geologically realistic structural models: Patua Geothermal Field case study,” Geothermics, 95, September 2021,


131. Okoroafor, E.R., Co, C., and Horne, R.N. “Numerical investigation of the impact of fracture aperture anisotropy on EGS thermal performance,” Geothermics, 100, (2022), 102354,


132. Zhang, Y., Dekas, A.E., Hawkins, A.J., Primo, J.C., Gorbatenko, O., Horne, R.N.: “Geological Activity Shapes the Microbiome in Deep-Subsurface Aquifers by Advection,” PNAS, 2022, Vol. 119 No. 25 e2113985119,


133. Zhang, Y., Dekas, A.E., Hawkins, A.J., Primo, J.C., Gorbatenko, O., Horne, R.N.: “Comparison of Microbial Profiling and Tracer Testing for the Characterization of Injector-Producer Interwell Connectivities,” Water 2022, 14, 2921. w14182921


134. Okoroafor, E.R., Williams, M.J.,  Gossuin, J., Keshinro, O., Horne, R.N., “Fracture roughness considerations in comparing CO2 and water as enhanced geothermal system working fluids,” Geothermics (2022) doi: 10.1016/j.geothermics.2022.102578


135. Sato, K., Tamura, Y., Osato, K., Horne, R.N., “Assessing poroelastic properties of a geothermal reservoir by tidal signal analysis,” Geothermics, 100, March 2022, doi: 10.1016/j.geothermics.2022.102352


136. Okoroafor, E.R., Horne, R.N., “Temperature-dependent viscosity: Relevance to the numerical simulation of enhanced geothermal systems,” Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 34, 1 September 2022, doi: 10.1016/j.tsep.2022.101439


137. Abe, A., Horne, R.N.: “Investigating fracture network creation and stimulation mechanism of EGS reservoirs,” Geothermics, 107, (2023), 102606,


138. H. Kobayashi; A. Goto; X. Feng; K. Uruma; Y. Momoi; S. Watanabe; K. Sato; Y. Zhang; R. N. Horne; T. Shibuya; Y. Okano, “Long-Term Microbial DNA-Based Monitoring of the Mature Sarukawa Oil Field in Japan,” SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering (2023). DOI: 10.2118/214313-PA


139. Okoroafor, E.R., Horne, R.N., “Fracture Aperture Anisotropic Effects on Field Scale Enhanced Geothermal System Thermal Performance,” Geothermiss, 118, (2024), 102897,


140. Aljubran, M.J.,R.N. Horne, Horne, R.N., “FGEM: Flexible Geothermal Economics Modeling tool,” Applied Energy, Volume 353, Part A, 2024, 122125, ISSN 0306-2619,


141. Mark White, Yaroslav Vasyliv, Koenraad Beckers, Mario Martinez, Paolo Balestra, Carlo Parisi, Chad Augustine, Gabriela Bran-Anleu, Roland Horne, Laura Pauley, Giorgia Bettin, Theron Marshall, Anastasia Bernat, “Numerical investigation of closed-loop geothermal systems in deep geothermal reservoirs,” Geothermics, Volume 116, 2024, 102852, ISSN 0375-6505,


142. H. Duwiquet, A. Genter, L. Guillou-Frottier, F. V. Donzé, P. Ledru, F. Magri, T. Guillon, R. N. Horne, L. Arbaret, C. Souque, “Advanced 3D TH and THM Modeling to Shed Light on Thermal Convection in Fault Zones With Varying Thicknesses,” JGR Solid Earth, Published: 20 April 2024,


143. Aljubran, M.J., Horne, R.N. “Thermal Earth model for the conterminous United States using an interpolative physics-informed graph neural network.” Geothermal Energy 12, 25 (2024).


144. Aljubran, M.J., Horne, R.N. “Power supply characterization of baseload and flexible enhanced geothermal systems.” Sci Rep 14, 17619 (2024).


Books and Chapters in Books

1. Horne, R.N.:  "Modern Well Test Analysis: A Computer-Aided Approach", Petroway, Inc., Palo Alto, CA, second edition 1995.


2. Horne, R.N.:  "Geothermal Energy Assessment", in Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, editor E. Okandan, Reidel 1988.


3. Horne, R.N., Grant, M.A., and McCabe, W.J.: "Injection into Heterogeneous Reservoirs: Experience in New Zealand", in Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, editor E.  Okandan, Reidel 1988.


4. Allain, O., and Horne, R.N.: "The Use of Artificial Intelligence for Model Identification in Well Test Interpretation", in Automated Pattern Analysis in Exploration Geophysics, editors I. Palaz and S. Sengupta, Springer-Verlag, 1992.


5. Horne, R.N.: "Optimization Applications in Oil and Gas Recovery", in "Handbook of Applied Optimization", Panos M. Pardalos and Mauricio G. C. Resende (Eds.), Oxford University Press, New York, 2002.


6. Gűyagűler, B., and Horne, R.N.: "Evolutionary Proxy Tuning for Expensive Evaluation Functions: A Real-Case Application to Petroleum Reservoir Optimization", in "Metaheuristics: Computer Decision-making ", Mauricio G. C. Resende and Jorge Pinho de Sousa (Eds.), Kluwer Academic Press, Netherlands, 2003.


7. McClure, M.W.., and Horne, R.N.: "Discrete Fracture Network Modeling of Hydraulic Stimulation", Springer, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-00383-2, 2014.


8. Horne, R.N.: "Characterization, Evaluation and Interpretation of Well Data", in Geothermal Power Generation, editor R. DiPippo, Elsevier, 2016..


Grzegorz Cieslewski, Xuhua Gao, Ryan Falcone Hess, Avery T. Cashion, IV, William C. Corbin, Sasha Egan and Roland N. Horne: “Systems, Methods and Tools for Subterranean Electrochemical Characterization and Enthalpy Measurement in Geothermal Reservoirs,” US Patent 11,156,583, issued October 26, 2021.