Green building 074 (code of science of the ground of mail:
University De Stanford
Stanford, Ca 94305-2220, The United States
pH: (650)723-9595 fax:(650)725-2099
Currently my hearths of search on pairing models with various classes of the answers to resevoir. These " problems opposite " seek the values of the unknown parameters to resevoir by inference rather than direct measurement. The typical problems are: analyze of tracer of the ruptures, analyzes good computer-assisted of test, optimization of the production schedule, analyzes automated history matching/deline, etc...
I teach several various classes at Stanford, including:
I am implied in a certain number of various groups of search in the service of the oil engineering. Work in the good translation of test is usually concluded in the consortium of SUPRI-D on the innovation in the good test, whereas search in problems of optimization often takes place in the consortium of SUPRI-B on the simulation of tank directed by Khalid Aziz. I also have a keen interest for geothermal energy, and this search is undertaken under the auspices of the geothermic program of Stanford.
At the beginning of 1998 I will go in excursion of conference distinguished by SPE from Europe and South America. The title of my conference will be " integrated description of tank by dynamic measurements ". You can read the abstract while cliquetant here, visualize the program while cliquetant here, or view the slides here beforehand maintenance my cliqueter.
Catch here for the list of publications.
Oil engineering at the university of Stanford
Geothermic Program De Stanford
An image of my new car! (July 1996)
Cliquetez to see here whether I am on line.
Information on the Zealand News, place of rest
(formerly) of the cup of America