Note: All photos have a field of view of 2.7 mm unless otherwise noted
hematite fragment with disseminations of euhedral Type I quartz grains.
Reflected, plane-polarized light. Field of view = 1.4 mm
Type I quartz grains, with iron oxide rims and Type III clear quartz overgrowths,
as fragments within Type III quartz matrix. Transmitted, plane-polarized
jasperoid with dusty, cloudy Type II quartz and vug-filling Type III clear
quartz. Transmitted, plane-polarized light.
jasperioid with dusty, cloudy Type II quartz and Type III clear quartz
filling cubic pyrite moulds. Transmitted, plane-polarized light.
and hematite fragments in Type III quartz matrix. Note thin rims of fine-grained
Type III quartz surrounding fragments. Transmitted, cross-polarized light.
Field of view = 1.4 mm
quartz generations: 1) dusty Type II quartz as matrix of breccia; 2) clear,
unzoned Type III quartz veinlets; and 3) clear, zoned Type III quartz veinlets.
Transmitted, plane-polarized light.
vein cutting jasperoid (from wall to center of veinlet, i.e., top to bottom):
1) Type II cloudy quartz with iron oxide fragments forming wall of veinlet;
2) Type III clear, euhedral quartz; 3) iron oxides with minor interstitial
quartz; and 4) Euhedral Type III clear quartz. Transmitted, plane-polarized