Sample | North | East | Elev | Description |
EH-4 | 7069312 | 460349 | 3925 | Granodiorite porphyry, with fresh biotite phenocrysts, plagioclase phenocrysts altered to halloysite, from El Hueso Mine (Cerro Silica East). |
EH-9 | 7069423 | 459951 | 3654 | White porcelaineous, microcrystalline alunite in the Potrerillos Mine Fault beneath the El Hueso Mine (Cerro Silica). DDH-29 138.3-138.45 meters |
EH-14 | 7069613 | 460217 | 3851 | Coarse-grained alunite replacing plagioclase phenocrysts in granodiorite porphyry, accompanied by zunyite, woodhouseite, pyrite, rutile, and granular quartz, from El Hueso Mine (Cerro Silica North). Jarosite replaces octahedral pyrite. DDH-37 15.0-15.15 meters |
EH-15 | 7069582 | 460217 | 3792 | Au-bearing quartz veinlets with sericitized margins cutting granodiorite porphyry dike from El Hueso Mine (Cerro Silica). Sericite crystallinity 0.36 deg. two-theta full width of half maximum for the 10A X-ray peak. Jarosite replaces pyritohedral pyrite and forms veinlets cutting Au-quartz veinlets. DDH-37 81.75-82.35 meters |
EH-17 | 7070554 | 457574 | 2983 | Very weakly potassically altered quartz monzodiorite porphyry from the Cobre stock, with fresh hornblende, plagioclase, and biotite phenocrysts. Trace orthoclase veinlets, accompanied by disseminated bornite and chalcopyrite. |
EH-18 | 7070543 | 457579 | 2983 | Strongly potassically altered quartz monzodiorite porphyry from the Cobre stock, with biotitized hornblende phenocrysts, turbid pink orthoclase rimming plagioclase phenocrysts and pervading groundmass, and disseminated bornite and chalcopyrite. |
EH-21 | 7070544 | 457579 | 2983 | Strongly potassically altered quartz monzodiorite porphyry from the Cobre stock, with biotitized hornblende phenocrysts, turbid pink orthoclase rimming plagioclase phenocrysts and pervading groundmass, and disseminated bornite and chalcopyrite. |
EH-23 | 7070886 | 457818 | 2983 | Very late stage, gold-bearing tennantite-pyrite-chalcopyrite-galena-(sphalerite) -ankerite-anhydrite-quartz vein cutting quartz monzodiorite porphyry. Sericite is present as a vein-filling mineral and as a distinct selvedge to the vein. Sericite crystallinity 0.14 deg. two-theta full width of half maximum for the 10A X-ray peak. Cobre stock. |
EH-25 | 7070850 | 457746 | 2983 | Quartz monzodiorite porphyry, with thin pyrite-chalcopyrite veinlets having sericite selvedges cutting mosaic-textured quartz veins having pink orthoclase selvedges and bearing fine-grained bornite and chalcopyrite. Shreddy biotite replacing hornblende phenocrysts has been replaced by sericite in the vicinity of pyrite veinlets. Cobre stock. |
EH-26 | 7070850 | 457746 | 2983 | Molybdenite-chalcopyrite-quartz vein with no distinct alteration selvedge, cut by chalcopyrite-pyrite vein with coarse sericite selvedge. Later pyrite-(chalcopyrite) -calcite vein with sericitic selvedge cuts chalcopyrite-pyrite vein. Sericite replaces shreddy biotite in hornblende phenocryst sites. Sericite crystallinity 0.17 deg. two-theta full width of half maximum for the 10A X-ray peak. Quartz monzodiorite porphyry from the Cobre stock. |
EH-27 | 7070845 | 457736 | 2983 | Coarse-grained, phlogopitic vein-filling biotite, associated with chalcopyrite and anhydrite as vein-filling minerals and turbid, pink, microperthitic orthoclase as a selvedge completely replacing plagioclase phenocrysts and groundmass feldspar in quartz monzodiorite porphyry. Cobre stock. |
EH-32 | 7070847 | 457740 | 2983 | Coarse-grained sericite replacing phlogopitic vein biotite where vein biotite is cut by pyrite-chalcopyrite veinlets. Sericite crystallinity 0.28 deg. two-theta full width of half maximum for the 10A X-ray peak. Cobre stock. |
EH-33 | 7065140 | 457210 | 4397 | Fresh granodiorite porphyry from Cerro El Hueso stock. |
EH-37 | 7068203 | 458830 | 3400 | Coarse-grained sericite replacing plagioclase phenocrysts. Sericite present as coalescing envelopes around through-going pyriteńchalcopyrite veinlets cutting granodiorite porphyry. Sericite crystallinity 0.13 deg. two-theta full width of half maximum for the 10A X-ray peak. Gonzalez stock. SPG-14 283-284 meters. |
EH-38 | 7070397 | 460754 | 3844 | Fresh quartz monzodiorite porphyry from Cerro Bochinche stock. |
EH-39 | 7070454 | 460810 | 3839 | Fresh quartz monzodiorite porphyry from Cerro Bochinche stock. |
EH-40 | 7071745 | 457777 | 3118 | Fresh granodiorite porphyry from Norte stock. DD-240 110-110.1 meters |
EH-41 | 7071757 | 457765 | 3119 | Weakly potassically altered granodiorite porphyry from Norte stock, with minor orthoclase veinlets and replacement of plagioclase phenocrysts and groundmass, and minor disseminated bornite and chalcopyrite. DD-240 127.6-128 meters. |
EH-46 | 7069786 | 458668 | 3370 | Weakly Au-mineralized (150 ppb Au) quartz vein cutting sericitized granodiorite porphyry. Sericite crystallinity 0.17 deg. two-theta full width of half maximum for the 10A X-ray peak. Polvorin dike. |
EH-54 | 7069065 | 460054 | 3865 | Quartz vein with sericitized envelope cutting granodiorite porphyry El Hueso Mine, (Cerro Silica South). Spatially associated with relict sulfide minerals including chalcopyrite, bornite, and molybdenite. Sericite crystallinity 0.23 deg. two-theta full width of half maximum for the 10A X-ray peak. |
EH-56 | 7069645 | 460099 | 3810 | Microcrystalline alunite vein cutting quartz veinlets in argillized granodiorite porphyry El Hueso Mine (Cerro Silica North). |
EH93-12 | 7063690 | 459200 | 3770 | Fresh tonalite porphyry from Cuesta stock. |
EH93-16 | 7066427 | 461412 | 3612 | Fresh quartz monzodiorite porphyry dike 10 meters wide N20E 63NW, cuts EH93-15 microdiorite. Microdiorite also cut by pebble dike N87E 77SE, with granodiorite clasts. From T-17 Hill. |
EH93-20 | 7069389 | 460207 | 3760 | 0.2 to 2.0 micron size fraction of illite from 1-3 mm diameter white "moteada" spots in pyritic, spotted, silicified siltstone, from 3 gram/tonne ore zone in El Hueso Mine (Cerro Silica). Illite crystallinity 0.9 deg. two-theta full width of half maximum for the 10A X-ray peak. |
EH93-24 | 7069400 | 460229 | 3760 | Nodular, very fine-grained white alunite with porcelaineous texture and conchoidal fracture, encased in massive white, very fine-grained kaolinite from the basal fault in the El Hueso Mine (Cerro Silica). This fault forms the lower limit of oxidation, and is marked by abundant sooty chalcocite, covellite, and minor native sulfur coating fracture surfaces. |
EH93-40 | 7072000 | 463680 | 3735 | Fresh plagioclase-, biotite-, and hornblende-phyric dacite flow from Cerro El Buitre. |
EH93-42 | 7072060 | 463550 | 3750 | Fresh granodiorite porphyry boulder in poorly sorted breccia (lahar-like deposit) overlain by EH93-40 dacite flow from Cerro El Buitre. |
EH93-54 | 7069637 | 460251 | 3825 | Coarse-grained alunite replacing plagioclase phenocrysts in granodiorite porphyry, accompanied by pyrophyllite, zunyite, woodhouseite, pyrite, rutile, and xenomorphic quartz. Coarse-grained dickite in veinlets and irregular masses cuts alunite and replace pyrophyllite. Jarosite replaces octahedral pyrite, and jarosite veinlets cut dickite veinlets. El Hueso Mine, outside of ore zone (Cerro Silica North). |
EH93-72 | 7069347 | 460225 | 3887 | Intensely alunitized pyroclastic rock. Sample consists entirely of friable, coarse alunite. Sample is from drill core a few meters above EH93-79, which contains abundant relict pyrite enclosed in dense xenomorphic silica. Outside of ore zone. El Hueso Mine (Cerro Silica). DDH-34 12.0 meters. |