Kurt Friehauf
Department of Geosciences
Gould-Simpson #77
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85719
lab (520) 621-8529
e-mail friehauf@geo.arizona.edu
- Stanford University
Ph.D. in Geological and Environmental Sciences, June 1998
Geology and Geochemistry of Porphyry-Related,
Carbonate-Hosted, Massive Replacement Cu-Au Deposits --
A Case Study of the Superior District, Arizona.
Marco T. Einaudi
Colorado State University
B.S. in Geology, May 1989
Course-work included exploration geochemistry, mineral deposits,
industrial minerals, fluid inclusions studies,
hydrothermal alteration, advanced structural geology
advisors: Malcolm McCallum,
Tommy Thompson,
Eric Erslev
- My current research integrates extensive field mapping data
and petrographic work with thermodynamic modeling to evaluate
metasomatic chemical
reaction paths taken by acidic, high-sulfidation state
hydrothermal fluids in carbonate rocks. These aqueous solutions
are related to the late stages of crystallization of porphyrytic
granitoid intrusions and are analogous to those recorded in
active geothermal systems in volcanic arcs of the circumpacific
(e.g. Pinatubo Philippines and White Island New Zealand).
The exposures created by the mine at Superior Arizona provide
remarkable access to the paleogeothermal system there,
allowing detailed study of 1) the geology of carbonate-hosted
massive ores, 2) the chemical mechanisms of metasomatism of
carbonate rocks by metaliferous solutions, and 3) the evaluation
of stable isotopic tracers in determining fluid flow paths in
carbonate rocks.
Teaching experience
Stanford University, Stanford, California
Teaching Assitant Spring 1998
*** Centennial Teacher of the Year Award ***
Designed labs, presented lectures, advised students, and graded
papers for geologic mapping course including
labs using laser surveying equiptment, GPS, AutoCAD, and GIS.
Stanford University, Stanford, California
Substitute Teacher Autumn 1997
Presented introductory geology lectures about geochronology,
weathering and soils, and fluvial geomorpholgy for
Dr. Marco Einaudi.
San José State University, San José, California
Substitute Teacher Autumn 1995
Presented introductory Mineralogy/Crystallography and
Igneous/Metamorphic Petrology lectures and labs for
Dr. Susan DeBari
Oral presentations to the Stanford Department of Geological and
Environmental Sciences
- Chemical reaction path modeling using CHILLER/SOLVEQ computer programs
- Evaluation of 13C-18O isotopic evidence for fluid flow in
- Reaction paths of acidic geothermal solutions in carbonate aquifers
- Geology of skarn and massive sulfide replacement deposits,
Superior District, Arizona
- What is a porphyry copper deposit?
- Ore Deposits of British Columbia
- Irreversible thermodynamic modeling of calcium metasomatism
in alkalic volcanic rocks
- The use of AutoCAD in solving 3-dimensional geologic problems
(2 workshops)
- Theory and practice of X-ray Defractometry
Oral presentations to geology departments at other Universities
- Chemical and physical controls on carbonate-hosted
mineralization by late-stage ore fluids in porphyry copper
systems (South Dakota School of Mines and Technology,
Rapid City, South Dakota, April, 1997)
- Have you ever met a somatism that you didn't like?
Contact metamorphism and metasomatism related to granitoid
intrusions (Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green,
Ohio, January, 1997)
- Geology and ore deposits of the Superior porphyry-related
district, Arizona (University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon,
December, 1996)
Stanford University, Stanford, California
Teaching Assistant 1990 - 1994
Presented lectures, designed labs, advised students, and graded
papers for courses in introductory-level
general geology and Issues in Natural Resources.
Colorado State University Athletic Department and private,
Fort Collins, Colorado
Academic Tutor August 1987 - June 1990
Tutored courses in geology, organic and inorganic chemistry,
algebra, calculus, physics, computer
programming, and statistics.
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado
Teaching Assistant August 1987 - May 1989
Taught first full year of engineering physics.
Presented short lectures, designed lab exercises, and
graded papers for labs in crystallography, mineralogy,
optical mineralogy, structural geology, petrology.
Industry experience
Magma Mining Company, Superior, Arizona
Geologist June 1992 - October 1994
Mapped geology and sampled ore in active underground mine in
carbonate-hosted "manto-type" Cu-Au-Ag deposit.
Magma Nevada Mining Company, Ely, Nevada
Geologist July 1991 - September 1991
Mapped surface geology and alteration, logged RC drill
cuttings (both on the rig and in the office), and
made interpretive synthesis of this data for two gold
exploration targets in porphyry copper deposit.
Also mapped drill cuttings from blast patterns in open
pit mine. Made presentations to local community members.
ASARCO, Inc., Denver, Colorado
Geologist June 1989 - August 1989
Mapped geology and hydrothermal alteration on scales from
1"=1000 feet to 1"= 10 feet, assessed value of
lode mines/prospects in Colorado and New Mexico for gold mining.
Resource Associates of Alaska, Inc. (NERCO Exploration and
Western Mining Co.), Fairbanks, Alaska
Geologist May 1988 - September 1988
Mapped geology on scales from 1"=1000 feet to 1"= 10 feet,
sampled stream/soil for geochemical survey,
mapped and sampled trenches, ran a proton magnetometer survey,
interpreted geochemical data in
helicopter assisted exploration for gold.
Friehauf, Kurt C., and Pareja, Guillermo A., 1998,
Can Oxygen Isotopic Haloes
be Produced Around High-Temperature Dolostone-Hosted Ore Deposits? --
Evidence from the Superior District, Arizona: Economic Geology,
Volume 93, Number 5, p. (to be assigned).
Pareja, Guillermo A., and Friehauf, Kurt C., 1998
Conditions determining the utility of oxygen isotopes as an exploration
tool for carbonate- hosted deposits: Exploration Roundup '98,
Vancouver, Abstracts with Programs, p.
Friehauf, Kurt C., 1997, Cu-Au massive replacement ores of the
Bingham (UT), Bisbee (AZ), and Superior (AZ) districts --
A petrographic comparison of late-stage porphyry-related ores
in carbonate rocks: Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs,
v. 29, no. 6, p. A446.
Friehauf, Kurt C., 1996, Reaction paths of high-sulfidation
state copper-gold ore fluids in carbonate rocks -- A
case study at the Superior porphyry-related deposit, AZ:
Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs: v. 28, no. 7, p. A403.
Friehauf, Kurt C., 1995, Carbonate-replacement Cu-(Au) deposits
associated with a high-sulfidation state
Butte-type vein system, Superior District, AZ: Soc. Econ.
Geol. Field Conference on Carbonate-hosted
Zinc Deposits, St. Louis, MO.
Friehauf, Kurt C., 1995, Skarn and Cu-(Au)-rich massive
sulfide/specularite carbonate-replacement deposits
of the Superior District, AZ: Geol. Soc. Nevada Symposium
on the Geology and Ore Deposits of the
American Cordillera, Reno, Nevada, Programs with Abstracts,
p. A32-A33.
Honors and Activities
- Stanford Centenial Teaching Assistant of the Year
Award for School of Earth Sciences
National Science Foundation grant (1995-97 EAR
9418301 $244,000), Stanford University, California
- Speaker for BAESI short course for teachers on Teaching Techniques
for Mineral resource geology at the K-12 grade level, November 1996
through February 1997,
San José State University, San José, Californiarnia
- Guest Speaker to Santa Clara Valley Gem and Mineral Society,
San Jose, California
- Guest Speaker and Science Fair Judge to various primary
schools/districts (4-5 each year), San Mateo, Santa
Clara, and Newark school districts, California
- Volunteer T.A. for general introductory geology field trips,
Stanford University, California
- Elected Graduate Student Representative to the Dean of the
School of Earth Sciences 1995-1996, Stanford
University, California
- Mentor in Stanford Dept. Geological and Environmental Sciences
mentoring program 1995-1996, Stanford
University, California
- Liaison between Stanford School of Earth Sciences and Menlo-
Atherton High School 1995-1996, Stanford
University, California
- Volunteer for Stanford Disabled Student’s Officee 1995
Stanford University, California
- Volunteer for the Colo. State University Disabled Student's
Office 1986, Colo. State University, Fort Collins,
- Professional Societies
Geological Society of America
Society of Economic Geologists
Mineralogical Society of America American Mineralogist
Undergraduate Award 1989, Colo. State University,
Fort Collins, Colorado.
Honor Senior for the School of Natural Resources 1988, Colo.
State University, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Beverly Scholarship for promising minerals exploration
geologist (2x) 1987, 1988, Colo. State University,
Fort Collins, Colorado.
Ludlow Geology Scholarship 1987, Colo. State University,
Fort Collins, Colorado.
Chevron Scholarship (2x) 1986, 1987, Colo. State University,
Fort Collins, Colorado
President's Scholarship 1986, Colo. State University,
Fort Collins, Colorado
Dean's list (5x) 1984 -1988, Colo. State University, Fort
Collins, Colorado
SCAMP Scholarship (5x) 1985 - 1988, 1991, Colo. State
University, Fort Collins, Colorado
Nickol Chemistry Scholarship 1981, Rocky Mountain High School,
Fort Collins, Colorado
Additional skills
Skilled at using AutoCAD, relational databases, word
processors, spreadsheets
FORTRAN and BASIC computer programming
Trained in first aid and CPR
Speak/read German, read Spanish
Courses taken at Stanford:
Solution-Mineral Equilibria (Irreversible Thermodynamics)
Geochemical Thermodynamics
Isotope and Trace Element Geochemistry
Geochemistry of Mineral Deposits
Geochronology (lecture + lab)
Electron Microprobe (lecture + lab)
XRF (lecture + lab)
Sedimentary Basins
Geologic Evolution of the Western Cordillera
Metamorphic Petrography
Igneous Petrology
Field Mapping of Mineral Deposits
Introduction to Mineral Deposits