Volume 92 November-December 1997 Number 7/8

"Timing and Duration of Hydrothermal Events"

PREFACE: The Timing and Duration of Hydrothermal Events
H.J. Stein and L.M. Cathles

How long can a hydrothermal system be sustained by a single intrusion event?
L.M. Cathles, A.H.J. Erendi, J.B. Thayer, and T. Barrie

Time estimation of iron-depletion near pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite inclusions in sphalerite: the sphalerite speedometer
Toshio Mizuta and Steven Scott

40Ar/39Ar geochronology of Cu-Au and Au-Ag mineralization in the Potrerillos District, Chile
Timothy Marsh, Marco Einaudi, and Michael McWilliams

Brief duration of hydrothermal activity at Round Mountain, Nevada determined from 40Ar/39Ar geochronology
Chris Henry, Hallet Elson, Bill McIntosh, Matt Heizler, and Steve Castor

Highly precise and accurate Re-Os ages for molybdenite, East Qinling molybdenum belt, Shaanxi Province, China
Holly Stein, Richard Markey, John Morgan, Du Andao, and Sun Yali

Ocean plateau volcanism and global ocean anoxia: Hydrothermal links at the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary
Chris Sinton and Robert Duncan

Temporal changes in mineralization style at the Cadjebut MVT deposit, Lennard Shelf, Western Australia
Linda Tompkins, Burkhard Eisenlohr, David Groves, and Michael Raitz

Evidence of episodic fluid, gas, and sediment venting on the northern Gulf of Mexico continental slope
Harry Roberts and Robert Carney

Hydrodynamics of regional metamorphism due to continental collision
R. Brooks Hanson

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