QUAKE Seminar

Fall 2009 Schedule

This quarter's topic: Current student, postdoc, and faculty research.

Wednesdays at 2:00 p.m., Mitchell 350

Mailing list: quake_seminar (at) mailman.stanford.edu
(manage your mailing list account)

Date Presenter Talk Title Download
1. 23 Sept. Organizational meeting
2. 30 Sept.
Angie Chung Spend Less, Get More? Using Low-Cost Accelerometers to Calculate Building Responses
Emily Montgomery-Brown Improvements in modeling long-term (decade scale) deformation at Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, from geodetic data
3. 7 Oct.
Ana Aguiar ongoing research
Owen Hurd An integrated geomechanical approach to simulating flow in a tight-gas reservoir
4. 14 Oct.
Stuart Schmitt Thermal pressurization during pulse-like earthquake nucleation
Yo Fukushima InSAR observation of Kilauea's deformation
5. 21 Oct.
Paul Segall The mechanics of slow and fast fault slip
Andrew Bradley
6. 28 Oct.
Jeremy Kozdon Higher-order finite difference techniques for dynamic rupture simulation
Annemarie Baltay ongoing research
7. 4 Nov.
Noel Berman ongoing research
Ole Kaven ongoing research
8. 11 Nov.
Marine Denolle ongoing research
Indrajit Das ongoing research
9. 18 Nov.
Justin Brown Deep tremor: What is it and where does it come from?
Gwyn Hughes Investigation of deformation sources for the 2000 Miyakejima, Japan intrusive event
10. 2 Dec.
Jingyi Chen ongoing research
Hiroki Sone ongoing research
Fin. 9 Dec. AGU practice talks

Ideas for future seminar themes:

Past seminar themes:

Maintainer of this web page: Stuart Schmitt