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The Stanford School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences is now part of the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability.
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Ariel Bobbett (BS' 17, MS '18)

Earth Systems Program
March 24, 2017
Ariel Bobbett Picture

Ariel Bobbett has been involved in the environmental movement on campus through leadership in student organizations like the Green Living Council. Last year she also served on the ASSU Executive Sustainability Committee and helped organize SOS: Stories of Sustainability, an environmental-justice themed performance featuring student stories of environmental injustice paired with spoken word and dance performances. She also mentors students as an RA in Okada, Stanford’s Asian-American ethnic theme dorm.

Beyond working with student groups, Ariel has also held positions in the sustainability departments within both R&DE Student Housing and Dining. As a zero waste intern with student housing she implemented a pilot program to compost paper towels in dorm restrooms, an intervention that has now been permanently installed in over twenty residences. Her current project with the Sustainable Food Program is researching and writing a report for the nonprofit organization ReFED adapting the solutions identified in their groundbreaking food waste report for institutional food systems like those found at universities. 

Ariel’s research also has a public service component. Through her honors thesis research studying nitrogen fixation in a Hawaiian agricultural system, Ariel has worked extensively with the Hawaiian community organization Ulu Mau Puanui which aims to educate visitors about the traditional agriculture happening at this site.