Index of /ftp/dunbar/Palmyra data consolidated/Palmyra data Consolidated/May 2011 CTD Data Palmyra

Icon  Name                                                             Last modified      Size  Description
[PARENTDIR] Parent Directory - [DIR] Ascii Out/ 2022-05-02 09:17 - [DIR] bin averaged/ 2022-05-02 09:17 - [DIR] DataCNV/ 2022-05-02 09:18 - [DIR] Excel/ 2022-05-02 09:18 - [DIR] Plots/ 2022-05-02 09:18 - [DIR] Processed/ 2022-05-02 09:18 - [DIR] PSA files/ 2022-05-02 09:18 - [DIR] Raw BinHex/ 2022-05-02 09:19 - [   ] 1 Jun 11 surface tow track.gpx 2011-06-02 00:12 650 [   ] Seabird CTD 6823.xmlcon 2011-05-24 14:56 3.2K [   ] 28 May 2011 GPS coordinates of CTD casts Palmyra.gpx 2011-05-28 23:35 3.3K [   ] 26 May 2011 GPS coordinates of CTD casts Palmyra.gpx 2011-05-27 00:25 6.6K [   ] 24 May 2011 GPS coordinates of CTD casts Palmyra.gpx 2011-05-25 00:13 10K [   ] 1 June 11 surface tow Seabird at Palmyra 10 sec.gpx 2011-06-01 23:14 70K [TXT] 1 Jun 11 surface tow track take 2.txt 2011-06-22 12:54 103K [   ] 31 May 11 waypoints Palmyra.gpx 2011-05-31 23:28 137K [   ] 31 May 11 GPS coordinates CTD casts Palmyra.gpx 2011-05-31 23:48 140K [   ] Palmyra Merged CTD - alkalinity stations.gpx 2011-05-31 23:49 164K [   ] 1 Jun 11 surface tow track take 2.gpx 2011-06-02 00:18 182K [   ] 31 May 11 Surface tow Seabird at Palmyra.gpx 2011-05-31 23:27 203K [   ] 29 May 11 Surface tow 1 sec GPS track.xlsx 2011-05-30 16:27 203K [   ] 30 May 11 Surface tow Seabird at Palmyra.gpx 2011-05-31 13:00 543K [   ] 30 May 11 Surface tow Seabird 10 sec GPS track.gpx 2011-05-31 13:18 544K [   ] 29 May 11 Surface tow Seabird CTD at Palmyra.gpx 2011-05-31 13:17 544K [TXT] 30 May 11 Surface tow Seabird 10 sec GPS track.txt 2011-05-31 13:13 702K [TXT] 29 May 11 Surface tow 1 sec GPS track.txt 2011-05-30 01:03 1.7M [   ] 19plusV2_006.pdf 2011-05-24 13:21 3.1M [   ] SBEDataProcessing_7.21d.pdf 2011-05-24 13:25 4.8M