hope this collection of Matlab functions will help
the reader to implement
some of the models described in the
Rock Physics Handbook.
m-files are provided as-is without any warranties.
% bkusc: Backus
average for thin layered TI anisotropy
bkuslog: Computes Backus Average from log data
% CSiso: 6x6
stiffness and compliance tensors for isotropic rock
% c2anis: Anisotropy parameters
(Thomsen) from stiffnesses Cij
c2sti: Convert between stiffness and compliance for TI symmetry
% c2vti: Stiffness Cij to velocity for TI media
% cti2v: Stiffness Cij to fast/slow velocities and Thomsen parameters
ezbond: Coordinate rotation for stiffness tensor
using Bond transformation
% Rorsym: reflectivity
in the symmetry plane for interfaces between 2 orthorhombic media
% Rruger: Reflectivity
AVOZ in weakly anisotropic media
% v2cti: Velocities to stiffnesses Cij for TI media
% avopp: Reflectivity
vs. angle, P-to-P for single interface
% avops: Reflectivity
vs. angle, P-to-S for single interface
% avo_abe:
AVO intercept and gradient attributes for P-P and P-S
% eimp: Far-offset
elastic impedance for P-P and P-S (reflection angle)
% eimp2: Far-offset elastic impedance
for P-P and P-S (incidence angle)
Effective Medium
% berrysc:
Self-Consistent (Berryman) effective elastic moduli
% berryscm:
Self-Consistent (Berryman) multi-component (> 2) effective elastic moduli
% berryscp:
Effective elastic moduli vs. pressure for multi-component composite using
Berryman's Self-Consistent method
% bkus: Backus
average anisotropic stiffnesses for thin layers
% bound: Upper and Lower bounds on
elastic moduli of aggregates
% critpor:
Velocity, density, moduli at critical porosity
% dem: Differential
Effective Medium elastic moduli
% dem1: Differential Effective
Medium elastic moduli at a single volume fraction of constituents
echeng: Eshelby-Cheng TI stiffnesses Cijkl for cracked
% hash: Hashin-Shtrikman
upper and lower bound plot for moduli
% hashv: Hashin-Shtrikman upper and lower bound plot for velocities
% Hudson: Hudson anisotropic Cijkl for cracked rock
% hudson3: Hudson anisotropic Cijkl for cracked rock with 3 crack sets
% hudsoncone:
Hudson anisotropic Cijkl for conical crack
hudsonF: Hudson anisotropic Cijkl
for Fisher crack distributions
Fluid Effects, Velocity Dispersion,
& Attenuation
% biot: Velocity
dispersion and attenuation from Biot theory
% biothf: High
frequency limiting velocity from Biot theory
% biothfb:
Approximate high frequency limiting velocity from Biot
% bkti: Brown
& Korringa anisotropic (TI) saturated compliances
% BKc2c: Brown & Korringa (stiffness) arbritrary
anisotropy and fluids
% BKd2s: Brown & Korringa arbritrary anisotropy
dry to sat.
% BKs2d: Brown & Korringa arbritrary anisotropy
sat. to dry
% BKs2s: Brown & Korringa (compliance) arbritrary
anisotropy and fluids
% co2prop: CO2 properties versus
temperature and pressure
% flprop: Reservoir
fluid properties from Batzle-Wang relations
% flpropui:
Reservoir fluid properties from Batzle-Wang relations
with interactive input/output
% dialog boxes.
% gassmnk:
Gassmann fluid substitution (bulk moduli)
% gassmnv:
Gassmann fluid substitution (velocities)
% mmti:
Unrelaxed wet frame anisotropic (TI) compliances from dry
% patchw:
White's patchy model with Dutta-Ode correction
% squirt: Mavko
squirt model for high frequency saturated velocities
% stdlin:
Standard linear viscoelastic solid
% Granular Media
% Cem: Dvorkin cementation model
hertzmind: Bulk and shear moduli of sphere packs
using Hertz-Mindlin model
% hertzmindv:
Vp, Vs of sphere packs using Hertz-Mindlin model
% Johnson: Norris-Johnson model for
stress-induced anisotropy in sphere packs
% John_Makse:
Johnson-Makse model for stress-induced anisotropy in
sphere packs
Unconsol: Modified Hashin-Shtrikman
lower bound with Hertz-Mindlin for unconsolidated
walton: Bulk and shear
moduli of sphere packs using Walton's model
% waltonv:
Velocities of sphere packs using Walton's model
Moduli and Velocities
% ku2v: Velocities from bulk and
shear moduli and density
% lm2v: Velocities from Lame's
constants and density
% v2ku: Bulk and shear moduli and
Poisson's ratio from velocities
% v2lm: Lame's constants and
Poisson's ratio from velocities
% PermMenu:
Menu tool to select different permeability models
% BernabeE:
Bernabe permeability model
% Bloch: Bloch empirical
permeability model
% CoatDum:
Coates-Dumanoir permeability model
% Coates: Coates permeability model
% FredrichE:
Fredrich et al. permeability model
% KozCarmE:
ModKozCarm: Modified Kozeny-Carman
with percolation porosity
% Owolabi:
Owolabi et al. permeability model
% PandaLake:
Panda-Lake permeability model
% PandaLakeKCE:
Panda-Lake Kozeny-Carman model
RevilE: Revil et al. shaly permeability model
% Timur: Timur permeability model
% Tixier: Tixier permeability model
% WylGregE:
Wyllie Gregory Kozeny-Carman model
Signal Processing
% fftplot:
Amplitude and phase spectra plot
% iatrib:
Instantaneous attributes (amplitude, phase, frequency)
% bayesclass:
Bayes classification based on pdf
% hist2d: Bivariate histogram of
% monte:
Monte-Carlo draws from non-parametric marginal cdf (followed
by linear regression)
% monteccdf:
Monte-Carlo draws from non-parametric conditional cdfs
% pdfbayes:
Non-parametric pdf estimation, Bayes' error & Information
Synthetic Seismograms and Wave
% ezseis:
Quick normal incidence seismic section from velocity and density
% kenfdisp:
Velocity dispersion in 1-D layered media
% kenfrtt:
Exact traveltimes in 1-D layered media for normally incident
plane waves
% kennet:
Invariant imbedding wave propagation in 1-D layered media for plane waves at
normal incidence
% pgator:
Propagator matrix wave propagation in 1-D layered media for plane waves at
normal incidence
% sourcewvlt
- Default source wavelet
% Utilities
blockav: Block average of logs or signals
loadlas: Load LAS formatted file