Pangea or Unix printer access

Last revision July 29, 2004

To print from pangea, send your file to one of these queue names:

     a65-laserjet [HP LaserJet 4050TN in Mitchell A65]
     a65-color-inkjet [HP Business InkJet 2250TN in Mitchell A65]
     ptolemy [HP DesignJet 2500 plotter in Mitchell B02]

Some special options are accessible from pangea by using alternate queue names:

     a65-laserjet-mf [a65-laserjet with manual feed]
     a65-laserjet-lt [a65-laserjet with lower tray]

Other Unix systems in the School can use these printers by establishing a remote spool that routes via pangea; contact Kai Lanz for information. Direct printing from other Unix systems is prohibited because it bypasses usage accounting on pangea.