$pagetitle = 'Computing Resources Send Email';
$sidenav_home = 'class="active"';
include '/WWW/computing/dochead.php';
include '/WWW/computing/navigation.php';
include '/WWW/computing/navbar.php';
include '/WWW/computing/validmailid.php'; // ksharp 2017-01-09
Created Nov 18, 2010 by Phil Farrell (who has never studied PHP or
tried to program in it before) from the ashes of Pamela Stone's original
2007 script that was part of her custom content management system.
Removed code that did some alternate variable setting based on
calls to old people database if "id" and "name" variables not included
in URL. This version just uses empty values if those are not set,
which results in invalid email. Added really simple-minded obfuscation
of email addresses by using HTML character entities instead of ASCII
$headers = "From: ".$sender." <".$email.">";
$mail_sent=mail($sunetid.'@se3mail.stanford.edu', $subject, $message, $headers);
echo '
Send Email
} // ksharp 2017-01-09
include '/WWW/computing/footer.php' ?>