The Ramey Fellowship recognizes the most prominent research student in the Department of Petroleum Engineering. It is awarded annually to a person selected by the faculty. The Ramey Fellowship was instigated in 1994 in memory of Henry J. Ramey, Jr., former chairman of the Department of Petroleum Engineering, who died in November 1993.
Henry J. Ramey Jr. was a pioneer in the field of petroleum engineering, and was at the forefront of research in heavy oil recovery by in situ combustion, geothermal reservoir engineering and well test analysis. A man known for his generosity of spirit as well as for his intellectual horsepower, Hank Ramey was chairman of the department from 1976 until 1986. The Ramey Fellowship was presented each year by his wife Alyce Ramey, until her death in 1997, after which it has often been presented by one of their children, Jonna, Taigh and Terri.