PE120 Petroleum Geology Field Trip
Nov. 14, 1998
A very interesting, intructive and enjoyable field trip was organized
for the class PE120, under the leadership of Prof. Steve Graham of the
Dept. of Geological and Environmental Sciences. We followed the path of
oil from source rocks, to conduit beds, to reservoir rocks. We visited
the oil field at San Ardo. We sniffed, scraped and hammered. We put our
arms around some oil. We held heterogeneity in our hands.
Source Beds at Arroyo Seco
Source beds of the Monterey formation.
If you screw up your face the right way, you can see
a fossil.
The infamous fault line that magnetically attracts
engineering structures. The group looks in astonishment.
Nacimiento Reservoir (no, water)
A good spot for lunch...
So, geologists didn't just make up this stuff about
San Ardo Oil Field
Steve points out distant structures.
Pumping unit. Run for your life!
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