Title: |
Pressure Buildup Tests of Well CPC-CS-4T, Chinshui Geothermal Field |
Authors: |
K. Y. Shen, Carl R. Y. Chang |
Geo Location: |
Chingshui, Taiwan |
Conference: |
Stanford Geothermal Workshop |
Year: |
1979 |
Session: |
Pressure Transient Analysis |
Language: |
English |
File Size: |
386KB |
View File: |
Well CPC-CS-4T is located in the Chinshui Geothermal Field in the north-east of Taiwan. total depth is 1,505 m. completed with 7 in. liner hanger and slotted liner on June 17, 1976. The production hole is from-539 to 1,505 m. The first deep well drilled in this area, its The well was spudded on April 16, 1976, and completed with 7 in. linear hanger and slotted linear on June 17, 1976. The production hole is from 539 to 1,505m.
Eight centralizers were used during setting of the 9-5/8 in, production casing in a 12-1/4 in. hole at 529 m. job was performed with silica flour cement, with a slurry weight of 1.60 specific gravity. About 10 k i l o liters of cement slurry was flowed out at the surface through the annulus during cementing. This implied that a good cement job had been done. The full casing cement
In drilling the 8-1/2 in. production hole, much lost circulation The main was encountered. between the drilling interval from 724 m to the total depth. loss zone was from 750 to 800 m. a specific gravity of 1.06 and 1.15. A to t a l of 740 kiloliters of drilling mud was lost The weight of the lost mud was between a specific gravity of 1.06 and 1.15.
The reservoir is within the Lushan formation, of Miocene age. The It lithologies encountered are a l l dark gray slate, slightly intercalated with light gray f ine-grained to very fine-grained compact sandstone. is a water-dominated geothermal reservoir.
Temperature and pressure-depth surveys were performed during flow tests. points between the surface and 230 m were observed clearly. phase flow in the reservoir is evident, making the pressure analysis These data were plotted on the phase diagram of water. Flash points between the surface and 230 m were observed clearly. Thus single phase flow in the reservoir is evident, making the pressure analysis simple.
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