
Well Test Analysis for Naturally Fractured Reservoirs


Giovanni Da Prat


Stanford Geothermal Workshop




Well Testing



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Pressure transient solutions for constant rate production and transient rate analysis for con stant pressure production are presented for a naturally fractured reservoir. The results obtained for a finite no-flow outer boundary -- are surprising. Initially, the flow rate shows a rapid decline, then it becomes nearly constant for a certain period, and finally it falls to zero. Ignoring the presence of a c onstant flowrate period in a type-curve match can lead to erroneous estimates of the dimension less matrix pressure and fracture pressure distributions are presented for both the constant rate and constant pressure production cases.1: terference test for-constant rate production can be interpreted for long times by means of the line-source solution. For the constant pres sure production case, the pressure awayfrmthe wellbore does not correlate well with the line source solution.

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