Title: |
Preliminary Assessment of Halogenated Alkanes as Vapor-Phase Tracers |
Authors: |
M.C. Adams, J.N. Moore, and P. Hirtz |
Conference: |
Stanford Geothermal Workshop |
Year: |
1991 |
Session: |
Tracer Injection |
Language: |
English |
File Size: |
535KB |
View File: |
New tracers are needed to evaluate the efficiency of injection strategies in vapor-dominated environments. One group of compounds that seems to meet the requirements for vapor-phase tracing are the halogenated alkanes (HCFCs). HCFCs are generally nontoxic, and extrapolation of tabulated thermodynamic data indicate that they will be thermally stable and nonreactive in a geothermal environment. The solubilities and stabilities of these compounds, which form several homologous series, vary according to the substituent ratios of fluorine, chlorine, and hydrogen. Laboratory and field tests that will further define the suitability of HCFCs as vapor-phase tracers are under way.
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