Stanford Geothermal Workshop

Instructions for Preparing Papers: Due no later than Feb. 1, 2013

The Stanford Geothermal Workshop Proceedings are exclusively electronic, and will only be published on CD-ROM, not on paper. This means that authors need to take care to prepare their papers carefully to ensure that they will appear properly when loaded by readers from the CD-ROM. All papers must be submitted in electronic form (prefreably by upload, although e-mail, or on disk are fallback choices) -- we cannot include papers sent by fax or in hard-copy only. Our required form for the files is in Word format (either Windows or Macintosh). The papers should be prepared as a single file, with all diagrams included.

Preparing Your Files

  1. Please use the document templates we have provided. These will help provide a uniform format for the final document. You can download the templates from our web page at template.html
  2. Please use the styles in the document. For example, use Heading 1 style for section headings, Heading 2 style for subsections and Figure Caption style for figure captions.
  3. When placing pictures, use Paste Special, and paste them as pictures. This makes the resulting file much smaller and more portable. It is usually better not to select "Float Over Text". Color diagrams are OK. If your original diagrams are not in electronic form, please scan them.
  4. If you are using a Macintosh, do not convert your final file to Windows format. Just send us Macintosh format on a Macintosh disk.
  5. If you are using Word 2007 or 2010, please save your file in Word 2007/2010 format and send us the .docx file. If using Word 2003 or earlier, please save in Word 2003/2000/1997 format and send us the .doc file. Do not convert .docx to .doc, or .doc to .docx, just send the native format for the version of Word you are using. Our automatice PDF conversion programs can handle both .docx files (Word 2007/2010 native format) and .doc files (Word 2003 native format)..
Sending Us Your Files
  1. Please send us your file by uploading the file on the website. Also possible (but not preferred) are e-mail, or on disk. We can read CD-R, CD-RW.
  2. Your electronic files must arrive at Stanford University by Feb. 1, 2013 so we have enough time to prepare the Proceedings CD. Note that we will not create a "preprint" CD -- the final and only Proceedings CD will be distributed at the workshop itself. Any papers that have not been received by Feb. 1, 2013 will not be included. This is the final and absolute deadline.
  3. Note that last year, we received more papers than could be accommodated in the program. Papers will be allocated presentation slots only after the actual docx or doc file has been received.
Including Supplemental Data
  1. If you wish to include tabular data, spreadsheets, figures such as maps etc., you may sent us additional files that can be put on the CD with your paper. Please consider that the CD may have a "shelf-life" of 20-30 years so it is important to present the data in as portable a format as possible. We suggest a simple format such as a plain text file or comma-separated data text file. Other formats you might consider could be Postscript or PDF for maps or larger diagrams.
  2. The files should have easily understood names. The CD format restricts file names to be in the 8.3 format (e.g. filename.ext). You should give your files names such as table1.txt, or figure1.dat, or
  3. You can refer to the supplemental file in your paper (e.g. "data for this figure can be found in the file filename.txt"). On the CD, we will make links in your manuscript to point to the data files.
  1. We will provide for computer-projection of PowerPoint slides. Please upload a copy of your PowerPoint presentation ahead of time so we can load it onto our computers (except in extraordinary circumstances, we prefer not to use presenters' own computers because of the delays caused by connecting and disconnecting machines). The final deadline for the powerpoint files to be uploaded to Stanford is February 8, 2013. Bring a second copy of your powerpoint file to the conference on CD or memory stick.
  2. We will no longer place copies of the slides on the Proceedings CD, as there is not sufficient space.
Last updated: Wednesday, August 6, 2012 2:36 PM