
Roland N. Horne

Thomas Davies Barrow Professor of Earth Sciences
Senior Fellow by Courtesy, Woods Institute for the Environment

Energy Resources Engineering, Stanford University


Green Earth Science Bldg. 098 (mail code: 2220)
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-2220, USA
ph: (650)723-9595 fax:(650)725-2099

Presently my research focuses on the matching of models to various classes of reservoir responses. These "inverse problems" seek the values of unknown resevoir parameters by inference rather than direct measurement. Typical problems are: tracer analysis of fractures, computer-aided well test analysis, production schedule optimization, automated history matching/decline analysis, etc.

I teach several different classes at Stanford, including:

  • PE 120 Fundamental of Energy Resources Engineering [see us on a recent Field Trip].
  • PE 175 Well Test Analysis
  • PE 221 Multiphase Flow Through Porous Media
  • PE 269 Geothermal Reservoir Engineering [see us on a recent Field Trip].
  • PE 281 Applied Mathematics in Energy Resources Engineering
  • PE 284 Optimization

  • I am involved in a number of different research groups in the Department of Energy Resources Engineering. Work in well test interpretation is usually carried out in the SUPRI-D Consortium on Innovation in Well Testing, while research in optimization problems often takes place in the SUPRI-B Consortium on Reservoir Simulation directed by Khalid Aziz. I also have a strong interest in Geothermal Energy, and this research is conducted under the auspices of the Stanford Geothermal Program.

    Click here for list of publications.
    You can download a PDF copy of my 1975 PhD thesis here: "TRANSIENT EFFECTS IN GEOTHERMAL CONVECTIVE SYSTEMS"

    Energy Resources Engineering at Stanford University
    Stanford Geothermal Program
    Some of my favorite photos of my life at Stanford

    My former job as department chairman took me to a lot of interesting places! Here are photos from some of them:
    Costa Rica, March 2006
    World Geothermal Congress, Antalya, Turkey, April 2005
    Beijing, China, March 2004
    Moscow, Russia, December 2003
    Reykjavik, Iceland, September 2003
    Peebles, Scotland, September 2003
    Phuket, Thailand, August 2003 (SPE Forum, including a rafting trip)
    Saudi Arabia, February 2001
    Countries I have visited (in red):

    create your own visited countries map or vertaling Duits Nederlands

    Computerised translation of my web page from English-to-French and back from French-to-English, using AltaVista Translation.
    Information about New Zealand, resting place of the (formerly) America's Cup