Our group develops many codes, including a 2D/3D spectral boundary integral equation method (BIEM) code, a 2D explicit finite difference (FD) code to model earthquake ruptures and tsunamis, a 3D explicit FD code for earthquake ruptures, a 2D FD viscoelastic/thermomechanical earthquake cycle code, etc. We are transitioning to distributing code via git repositories, but links to legacy versions are provided below as well.
Git repositories:
FDMAP: 2D earthquake rupture dynamics, including ocean response and tsunamis
WaveQLab3D: 3D earthquake rupture dynamics and seismic wave propagation; main developer: Kenneth Duru
Scycle: 2D earthquake cycle code with viscoelasticity, thermomechanical coupling, and fault zone fluid flow; main developers: Kali Allison, Weiqiang Zhu, Yuyun Yang
Crack-Pipe: wave propagation in multisection pipes intersected by fluid-filled cracks; main developers: Chao Liang and Ossian O'Reilly
Conduit-Reservoir Oscillator: reduced model for VLP seismic oscillations in conduit connected to a reservoir; main developer: Chao Liang
Faults in poroelastic solids: Quasi-dynamic earthquake sequence simulator for faults in 2D poroelastic solids
Air gun and bubble code: Simulation of marine seismic sources (airguns) with quasi-1D Euler solver for internal gas dynamics, coupled to Rayleigh-Plesset bubble model; main developers: Leighton Watson and Jonatan Werpers
Legacy Versions
MDSBI (MultiDimensional Spectral Boundary Integral code):
Language: Fortran 95 (with a few common extensions)
Use: Dynamic ruptures and interfacial elastodynamics
— Parallelized with MPI and OpenMP
— 2D (modes II and III and mixed mode) or 3D
— identical or dissimilar materials bounding the fault
— fully dynamic (displacement or velocity formulation) or quasidynamic elastic response
— automatic adaptive time stepping (using embedded Runge-Kutta error estimation method) for quasidynamic response
— adaptive substepping for arbitrary friction laws
— friction laws include slip weakening, rate and state, flash heating, and thermal pressurization (with Hiro Noda)
— poroelastic fault zone model
Version 4.1.9
Source code: mdsbi-v4.1.9.tgz
No updated user guide, but with this version run the code for each input file using, for example, mpirun -np 8 mdsbi problems/
Version 4.1.7, 20 September 2008 (MPI required, OpenMP optional)
Source code: mdsbi-v4.1.7.tgz
(210 kB)
User Guide (with installation instructions): UserGuide-v4.1.7.pdf (75 kB)
Kernel tables: kernels.tgz (5.6 MB)
Version 3.9.10, 17 May 2007 (optional MPI/OpenMP support)
Source code: mdsbi-v3.9.10.tgz
(213 kB)
User Guide (with installation instructions): UserGuide-v3.9.10.pdf (94 kB)
Kernel tables: kernels.tgz (5.6 MB)
FDMAP (Finite Difference code, uses coordinate transforms or MAPing to handle complex geometries):
Language: Fortran 95 (with a few common extensions)
Use: Dynamic ruptures and seismic wave propagation in complex geometries
— Parallelized with MPI
— summation-by-parts FD method with simultaneous-approximation-term method for provably stable enforcement of boundary conditions
— 2D only (antiplane shear or plane strain)
— viscoplastic or rate-independent plasticity
— friction laws include slip weakening, rate and state, flash heating
Legacy versions:
Version 1.0, 10 January 2013 (MPI required)
Source code: fdmap-v1.0.tgz
User Guide: UserGuide-v1.0.pdf
Last updated: June 3, 2019