Graduation 1998

Petroleum Engineering's largest female graduating class in history!

The SUPRI-A graduates

The Geothermal graduates

The SUPRI-C graduates.

Tony Kovscek received the Earth Science Teaching Award, with Julie Kennedy of Earth Systems

Other pictures:

Akshay Sahni, and with his adviser Martin Blunt

Apurva Kumar

Edgar Rangel-German

Faiza Murad

Richard Hughes and Martin Blunt

Jing Wan and Pengbo Lu

Malou Guerrero, and with her adviser Roland Horne

Mani Harihara

Martha Crane, Josephina Schembre and Bob DuTeaux

Martha Crane and Josephina Schembre

Meiqing He

Mike Sullera and family, and with adviser Roland Horne

Osman Apaydin and his adviser Tony Kovscek

Osman Apaydin and his other adviser Tuba Firincioglu

Tuba Firincioglu and Osman Apaydin

Liang-Biao Ouyang and his family, with Roland Horne, with adviser Khalid Aziz, and with family and Khalid Aziz

Vinh Phan and family

Josephina Schembre

Ricardo Portella and adviser Tom Hewett

Raju Penmatcha

Mishal Al-Harbiwith Roland Horne, with Khalid Aziz, and with the omnipresent Osman Apaydin

Not really a PE but geostats is close, Tingting Yao and adviser Andre Journel, and with Yan Pan

Suniti Bhat, Vinh Phan and Edgar Rangel-German

Yun Wang and family

Tuba, Martha, David George, Vinh, Maha, Osman and Pina